24 - Injuries

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(Alexander's POV)




That thing is so annoying I'm just trying to sleep...


My eyes flutter open, slowly adjusting to the light, it wasn't bright, as a matter of fact it was dimly lit, but for some reason it was affecting me a lot more than it actually should.

Looking around the room I realize that I'm in a hospital? How the hell did I get here, why am I even here?? Freaking out I tear the covers off me and quickly sit up.


Suddenly the room door opens and Hailey immediately runs to my side.

"oh my god Alex lay down what the hell are you doing!" she lightly grasp my shoulders and help me lay down.

"Hails what the hell is going on?" I ask, genuinely confused.

She didn't get a chance to answer as the room door opened and a tall man walked in.

"Hello Alexander, I'm Dr Griffin glad to see you're finally awake" the man greets me with a huge smile.

"hello" my voice comes out soft

"Doc whats the severity of his condition?" Hailey speaks up from beside me, cutting to the chase

"ah yes....he received a blow to the head and was bleeding quite a bit he had to get stitches, because of the hit he has a grade 1 concussion right now which explains why the lights in this room are so dim, it affects his concussion which means no phones no computer basically no screen time until the first phase of the concussion has passed."

I have a concussion? When did this even happen..how???

"I see you look confused Mr Garner, side effects of concussions sometime is memory loss" Dr Griffin states

"what!" I panic, memory loss????

"There there no need to worry its only temporary your memories will come back"

I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Also, you sprained your right ankle and a few of your ribs are bruised" Its then that I notice a band wrapped around my abdomen and a similar one around my ankle.

"luckily none is fractured but you're going to have to lay off any physical activates and take the painkillers we'll give you so you'll recover quickly"

"And about the ankle?" Hailey paces short strides back and forth as she questions Dr Griffin.


"he'll need to lay off his feet so it doesn't swell and prolong the healing process, good ole ice pack will fix it up within days. As for the bruises on his face I'll prescribe an ointment. " he finishes then lightly nods toward us and leave the room.






Hailey Jesus Christ!! Stop pacing god dammit you're gonna give me a headache!. I whisper yell over at her.

"oh yeah sorry, just get dressed and we'll leave... can you manage by yourself? I can help if you want"

"What? no I'm fine I can do it" she lingers a little longer then leaves the room. Finally I can get out of this dress they put me in. Ugh I hate hospitals

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