38 - I did what I had to do

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(Alex's POV)

"Where is she?" I shout as I run down the hallway to the emergency room. I'd been to this hospital once before when mom fell down the stairs and I've always hated the smell of it. The strong stench of disinfectant and bleach burned my nostrils.
My heart was hammering against my chest abnormally fast, and I was sweating a lot from running all the way over here but I couldn't care less about myself right now.

Due to my panicking state I failed to see the person in front of me and bump into a hard chest, the impact knocking the wind out of me, sending me to the floor.

"Alexander?" A voice somewhere above me called.

I quickly scramble to my feet to see who I had bumped into.

"Jase?" I instantly recognize the familiar face staring back at me.

"Jase! O my God Jase! Where's Hailey what the hell happened!?" I rush out all at once.

He sighs deeply, running a hand through his hair and began pacing the hallway.

"When you ran off, Hailey was a mess. She was crying and shouting and the next thing I know she's pedalling down the street in her car after you."

My eyes go wide
But before I could say anything Jase continues.

"I quickly got in my car and followed her. She was driving like a mad woman, going above the speed limit, driving through red lights, barely staying clear of cars... I-It was terrifying. I reached over, trying to get my phone so I could call her and tell her to slow down... when it happened."

"What happen-" I try to ask but get cut off.

"It all happened in slow motion before my eyes. There was a loud sickening crunch, the sound of Hailey's car slamming into the back of a truck that was transporting these long, slender metal poles. The impact caused her car to flip into the air and land harshly in the middle of traffic as her body was flung through the windshield rolling into the middle of the road. Incoming cars tried to swerve around her which only caused them to crash into each other starting a huge fire. I got out of my car and pushed through the large crowd that had gathered around the scene trying to help."

Unshed tears fill Jase's eyes as he tries to tell me the story, and I? I stand there motionless.

"T-Two poles f-from the truck were sticking out of her stomach and her leg. S-She had cuts and b-bruises all over from when she went r-rolling into the street a-and when the car had s-slammed to the ground. I rushed over and held my b-baby girl in my arms, r-rocking her back and forth trying to get her to wake up."

"Seconds later ambulances arrived and the paramedics took her from me, I was so weak and terrified I just let them take her and had to watch as they pulled the long poles out of her body and applied pressure to the wound so she wouldn't loose anymore blood. It was when they were loading her into the ambulance, ready to take her away that I came back to my senses and managed to tell them that she was my daughter. They looked at me sympathetically and said I should come to Marie Hospital before they rushed off, and that's when I called you."

Tears were now streaming down his face as he collapses unto the nearest chair and I couldn't help but think......

This is all my fault.


"Hailey Lena?"

Jase and I quickly stand up as soon as we see Hailey's doctor coming towards us.

It is now early the next morning, about 2am. Jase and I sat here all night waiting for some news about Hailey's condition and its been driving me crazy.

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