Chapter 5

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Sorry I took such a long break like I said I was sick and slowly losing my sanity bc I was in the house for an entire week but I'm feeling better now, but I do apologize for not being active
Reader's POV:

I continue to walk back to my apartment, it wasn't to far away but it was still a hassle, I was lucky it wasn't raining, why am I upset, I didn't even know him I thought to myself,

Sure he was appealing to the eye but I didn't know him at all.

I then look over to my right and see Eddie again so I went over to greet him,
Sure it might be weird to him but I honestly just want to get Jessie out of my mind.

Eddie looked like he didn't mind and asked me to walk with him, "listen" he said to me, I glanced over to him and waited for him to speak again

"I need to head over to maroon cartoons but I'm worried R.K is gonna have some problems with Rodger, and I think he'll need some help, and we might need more then 2 so if someone else is there the toon won't lose it and if he does we're gonna need all the help we can get, and I was wondering if you could, not tryna sound desperate but we'll need it."

We both stop in our tracks as I stop walking to think.

"Sure, I'll come with."

Male Jessica rabbit x readerWhere stories live. Discover now