Reality Check

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Cages, cages...keep your hearts in cages, nameless faces long for the ages.

Weeks passed and Rose counted the days until she would see her Prince again as they were pretty much the same as she spent every sunrise with Draco until they parted ways to do their things. He would meet her again for dinner with the family and Death Eaters. She kept herself in an act that showed that she was slightly evolving more interested in becoming friends with the Malfoys as she knew this was the only way she could stay here and teach at Hogwarts, closer to her new friend.

Finally, the day came when she would be touring the grounds of Hogwarts with the Headmistress McGonnagal, but Rose didn't show a lot of enthusiasm so no one could pick up the scent of her being excited to maybe run into Severus. Narcissa held out her arm to Rose as she escorted her personally to the gates of the school to drop her off with McGonnagal.

Rose tried to somewhat gussy up without trying too hard. She put her hair in a braid with a few pieces loose in the front and wore a modest outfit. She hated wearing cloaks but she wanted to blend in somewhat. Under her cloak, she wore a white collared shirt with a broach that was the crest of her family, a hawk with two small daggers and small olive branches on the side that showed that their family can be lethal but would rather talk things out and be friends, rather than enemies. For her bottoms, she wore a black calf-length wool pencil shirt, black stockings, and black Maryjane heels. She sprayed her favorite perfume and magically gave herself a bit of makeup.

"Minerva," Narcissa greeted the Headmistress at the gate.

"Narcissa," Minerva said in response, but then her eyes went right to Rose. "This must be our new Pure Blooded Professor of Dark Arts. Welcome Miss Zachariah, I hope you do enjoy your time here at Hogwarts. I know it must be so much different than Durmstrang."

"It is a lot warmer here than that of Durmstrang, there is always a blizzard." Rose smiled warmly at her new Headmistress as she walked forward and through the gate. She followed Minerva to the doors that would lead her into a new magical world, but then she noticed the Death Eaters around them. Faces she hadn't recognized were lining the entrance of the school.

"Is this much security necessary, Headmistress," Rose asked as they walked up the steps. The men and women didn't even look to acknowledge her, but just stared straight on.

"We used to not have this much, but after the war..."

"What Minerva means," Narcissa interrupted, "Is that it's a new policy for the school. There were a few new policies put in place for our students."

"I'm interested to hear them," Rose said, her voice quivering as the breeze from inside the school welcomed them inside.

"This is where I leave you, Rose, you said you would be staying here tonight to make sure you have all you need?"

"Yes, I was hoping to maybe also see Hogsmeade on my own tonight, so I either may be late or stay on the grounds. I will be back by tomorrow morning. That is alright, right?"

"Of course, we will then just make plans to see you at breakfast?"

"Great! Strawberry pancakes?" Rose asked in her most sticky sweet voice that's been helping her get through the weeks with the Malfoys.

"Your favorite!" Narcissa laughed, "Of course, darling. We will see you." Narcissa leaned in and kissed her future daughter-in-law on the cheek and followed that with a hug.

As Narcissa left and was finally out of the castle, Rose's smile faded and she cracked her neck.

"You must love this family," Minerva said as she turned to lead her to another set of double doors.

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