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These were dark times. Most thought happy, but they were truly dark. It's been 2 years since the death of the Boy Who Lived. It was as if time had turned back to old methods, which wasn't a complete lie. The Dark Lord made sure the ones that deserved to be on top, were. Purebloods. Purebloods were on top of the food chain, they were the 1%. They resided in extravagant estates, like Malfoy Manor. The Malfoys were redeemed when Voldemort found and killed Lucius Malfoy for, what Voldemort thought, was treason, and took Narcissa as his bride.

She was the only reason Severus Snape was also spared. He was Draco's godfather and Voldemort, even with hatred for his own family, acknowledged the importance of this. He allowed Severus to stay in his little house on Spinner's End and even allowed him to continue teaching Potions at Hogwarts, or whatever was left of it. He was shunned from the world he knew of and had to learn to be alone, once again. He'd become a recluse, only coming out for the lessons he needed to teach when Minerva would force him out to eat, or to the Hogs Head Inn. She was the only one who knew Severus and who forgave him. The others shunned him. They couldn't trust him, and he understood that. He was a double agent, why would they trust him to be done with it all?

The world was in shadows once again, and this time, Severus would not fight. He was too tired. Too tired of fighting for whichever side would have him. Dark Magic surrounded all aspects of everyday life for every witch and wizard and the world seemed to lose its color. It didn't help that there were Death Eaters in every corridor of the school to make sure the students and professors would stick to their strict schedules, especially the half-blooded ones. Even though half-bloods were allowed to live relatively alright lives, they were still treated worse than Purebloods. They were an abomination that should not have existed, according to The Dark Lord, but because they had a single magical parent, they were allowed to work, allowed to live freely.

Muggle-born, that word was non-existent in the world of Voldemort. They were treated as regular Muggles and were only allowed a stipend. Inflation did not matter in the Wizarding World for them as they were paid the same stipend every month. They did, however, have other odd jobs that were usually under Voldemort's non-existent nose. Now, if he knew or not, he didn't show it mattered much to him. As long as Pure-bloods were superior, that's all that mattered.

This was their world now. The Wizarding world, a peaceful and magical land, was now dark and depressing.


"What if there's someone as strange as me, playing pretend, and making believe...

Someone who dreams, I'd like to be, somebody's somebody..."


Sunlight gleamed into Rose's large and fantastical bedroom in Bulgaria. She just finished another term teaching at Durmstrang and felt proud that she was able to help her students become great witches and wizards one day. Grabbing her wand, she swished it and non-verbally opened her emerald green curtains and magically tied them to the side with golden ribbons. Summoning her raspberry and rose-infused tea she got up and walked to her large windows to look out at the vast forest before her. The Bulgarian forests were covered in a magical glow from the sun and reminded Rose how lucky she was to live in such a beautiful country.


Rose turned to her screeching mother, whose brown eyes were as big as watermelons in shock. Rose looked a lot like her mother with her slightly olive complexion, freckles, and straight nose except for her silver hair and lavender eyes that she had received from her father. Other characteristics she received from her father were her wild imagination and her care for other people as well as the hardest trait she received from him, believing in love.

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