Ch. 19: Jail Break Part III

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Back in the Conformatorium, Luz was still in the hunt for Eda and had to take care of a few guards that tried to get in her way...they didn't last long. Luz tackled an upcoming guard and began to punch him.

"That's enough, Human." A voice from behind said.

Luz turned around.

"Lilith." She growled.

"You've caused enough damage for one day. It's time to end this." Lilith said, her staff in her hand.

"This will end when I find Eda! Now tell me where she is or do you not care what happens to your sister?!" Luz shouted at her!

Lilith held a stoic face, not showing a single emotion, while inside, she was experiencing every emotion at once. Luz, also felt emotions... anger, fear, emotions that led her to her decision. She jumped at Lilith.

"Tell me where she is!" Luz shouted as Lilith blocked and knocked Luz away, moving in a circle.

"Surrender, Luz. I don't want to hurt you." Lilith said in the same stoic tone as before.

"Never!" Luz shouted, getting up to attack again!

Luz threw a punch, which Lilith dodged. Lilith moved back a little, causing Luz to follow her.

"I don't want to hurt you." Lilith said.

"The feeling isn't mutual!" Luz said.

Her attacks got more wild, feral, and mindless as Lilith continued to just block or dodge Luz while not even using her magic against the human. Luz jumped at Lilith, who once again dodged.

'If she's this dangerous right now, I'm afraid of what will happen when she becomes that creature of hers.' Lilith thought.

Lilith then decided to attack with her staff and jab Luz in the chest before uppercutting her in the chin! Luz was knocked back, feeling a bit of blood trickle down her lip.

"I'm sorry, but you left me no choice." Lilith said.

"Right back at you." Luz said as she growled, charging and transforming into a panther! "ROOOOH!"

Lilith began to run, with Luz chasing her. Luz didn't see a problem with Lilith running, she just wanted to make her pay like the other coven members she took down!

'Run, white raven, run. I'll sink my teeth into your yet!' Luz thought.

One thing you should never do, is turn your back on a predator. All it does is trigger an instinct to chase you down like the prey you are. Yet Lilith showed no fear as she continued to run, teleporting out of the way when Luz was close and firing spells to slow her down but none of them did.

'She's more resilient than I thought.'

"Roooooh!" Luz roared as she charged at Lilith again, dodging several magic blasts as she continued to chase Lilith!

Lilith felt like what she was doing was extremely dangerous, but it was needed. She made it to the place she needs to be and stood in front of a door. Luz ran at her and pounced, but Lilith rolled out of the way. Lilith quickly closed the door, trapping Luz inside.

"Save her." Lilith said quietly.

Inside, Luz turned back and started punching the door, trying to get out, when she heard a groan. She turned around and saw Eda, bruised and barely conscious.

"Eda?" Luz said before running to Eda's cage, "EDA!"


"Don't worry, Eda, I'll get you out of there."

Luz grabbed the cage when she heard a voice she's never heard before.

"I don't think you're meant to be here."

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