Im a soldier not a lover

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"You have to learn how to breath from here, imagine a flickering flame". Tsireya says, trying to teach the others how to breath longer underwater. I zoned out most of the time, considering Im already good at this, a few years back they taught me few things and military training came in handy as well. I took my leave quietly, getting bored. No offence Tsireya. Aonung watched the girl leave. Taking his leave quietly too. Tsireya saw her brother leave and shook her head at him. Neteyam on the other hand eyed him every step he took towards the girl, now losing concentration. "Neteyam?". Tsireya called out to him. "Are you okay?". She asked kindly, noticing how unfocused he is on the lesson. "Uh yes, sorry". He apologised. "It's okay". She says coming over to help him.
"Wait up". I heard behind me, I continued walking starting to pick up pace, knowing who it was. "Nora". He says grabbing ahold of my wrist. "What is you want Aonung". I growl. He throws his hands up in surrender, jokingly. "I come in peace". I roll my eyes and continue walking, him now walking next to me. "Are you alright, you seem very...?". I raise my eyebrow in question at him. "Distant". He finishes. "I am just thinking, and you're ruining it". I tell him. "Why are you being so harsh to me?". He asked. "Because you are being too stubborn". I argue with him. "I'm the stubborn one?". He says offended, placing a hand on his heart. "Aonung?, what is it that you really want?". I ask seriously. "You". He yelled. "God all I've wanted was you". He comments. I look at him shocked. Aonung has never yelled at me. "Aonung". I say gently. "The first time that you came here and helped us, yeah we were young, but never in my life will I ever have met such a beautiful strong smart person like you, to have someone like you by my side for the rest of my life, is all I've ever wanted". He rants. I drop my head. I feel his hand cup my cheek gently. "Nora". "All I've ever wanted was you". He says, leaning his forehead against mine. I shake my head and look at him sadly. "I'm a soldier not a lover". I say. Walking away. Aonung watched the girl stride away, his heart aching from rejection. But no matter what, he wanted her and nothing was going to stop him.
I stalked away, very annoyed now. I went into the forest that we had behind the village. Climbing through the trees and stepping through the little ponds. "Uh, what am I doing". I sigh out frustratedly to myself. "What am I gonna do if dad finds me out here, I don't wanna destroy pandora, I don't wanna kill Jake sully, I don't want to kill Neytiri and her family, I just want...just want peace". I rant to myself, pacing back and forth. "You think you're ready for this mission". The words my father said recite in my head. "Ughhhhh, i don't know what to do". I shout out. "What are you doing?". A voice from the bush startled me. It was Neteyam. Great another annoying person, exactly what I need. "I' praying". I stammer, unsure of what to say. "Praying?". He raises his eyebrow in suspicion. "Yes I'm praying okay?, what the hell do you want "man over board"?". Neteyam rolled his eyes at the stupid nickname. "Tsireya said you were worried about something, so I came to see you". He says. Fucking Tsireya. "I'm not worried. Just wondering what's up with you?, seem awfully frustrated with something". I ask. Neteyam froze at the question. "Well?". I egged on. "It's nothing". He simply says. I just shrug my shoulders and tilt my head. "Okay then". I say. "Why do you care?". He asked. "Thought it might have something to do with me, hanging around, you know considering the whole incident". I say, reminding him. Well it's definitely something about you. Neteyam thought in his head. "So is it". He didn't realise how close she had gotten to him already. But she looked up at him. He noticed the way her eyes were a sparkling light green with a tinge of yellow. He could see every feature on her face, every stripe. But oh the way she unintentionally looked up at him as if pleading for him. "Uh, no it's not, so don't worry about that". Neteyam stammers. "Okay then, I don't know if this will mean anything to you at all Neteyam but I'm sorry, for putting you through this, you know, I'm kinda the reason you had to leave your home in the first place". I chuckle nervously, walking away from him and sitting on the edge of the bank. "I do miss home, a lot, but maybe being on this journey won't be so bad". He comments. "Oh yeah, why's that?". I ask. "Well one, I can annoy you for the rest of our time here, and second I learn something mew everyday from now on". He answers. "I like the second one". I say. He chuckles and sits next to me. "I really am sorry though, Neteyam,". I spoke more gentle this time. Neteyam took a deep breath. Neteyam couldn't help but stare at the girl as she waded her hand through the pond gently. Neteyam had many girls flaunt over him, many adults would bring forth a girl for him to be betrothed too, but his parents didn't want that, they wanted him to find a mate that he actually wanted, someone who truly loved him  and he loved her and that's what he wanted as well. "Don't be, I know what it feels like". He spoke up after a bit of silence. "What do you mean?". I asked confused. "What it's like to try make your dad proud of you, trying to be the perfect kid". I look at him, shocked for a second. "Yeah well, I guess that's out the window for me now". I chuckle, trying to laugh it off. "What your doing is right". Neteyam says. I shake my head in disagreement and look at him, his face held confusion and disbelief. "In Na'vi eyes, what I'm doing is right...if you were on the other side, you would believe what I am doing now is wrong". I say. "No matter what I do, in someone's eyes what I'm doing is wrong". We went quiet after that, Neteyam unsure of how to comfort her. "Come on, eclipse is nearly here, dinner will have to be prepared by now". I say, cutting the silence. He nods and stands up, holding a his hand out to me, i gratefully grab it and he helps me up. We look at each other, holding eye contact for what felt like eternity. Now that I'm up close, I could really see all the small features on his face, how his eyes sparkled more when night was nearly over us, he was actually quite handsome. What are you saying, you stupid brain, you're soldier not a lover. My mind speaks loudly. "I know I'm good looking, but we should really go". I scoff at his stupid ego and roll my eyes, now annoyed again. I snatch my hand away and walk off quickly, with him following me closely. I could sense that stupid smile. That stupid handsome smile.

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