She's a nice soldier

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"Hey Nora, your old man is finally waking up". Lyle says with a grin. "Took the old man long enough, hope he's had his nanny nap, coz we got one heck of a ride ahead of us". Lyle just replies with a "Ho-ra" and a smirk. He walked back off, probably to see my dad waking up. Few minutes later, I had just finished cleaning up my guns when I heard a loud commotion happening down the medical hall. I grab my gun and run out to seek what was happening. "What's going on here". Everyone paused at my question, dad stared at my figure for awhile, holding a confused expression. "Nora?". He rasped out, his voice still little dry from just waking up. "Hey, hey old man". I reply with a smile, throwing my gun over my shoulder as I held the handle. He puts his hands up in a surrender motion, telling the others he's fine and to let him go. He walks up to one of the reflected windows in the bay and studies his new features. "Well ain't this a bitch". He grumbles. "And well ain't this a sight for sore eyes". He looks at me now, studying my features. "We got a lot to catch up on old man, but for now you need to catch up on some stuff of your own, follow me, Lyle on me". I command, dad holds a proud smirk and follows me as well. "This here will be where you're sleeping while we're here, which is for like a night so don't get too attached". I joke to dad, Lyle huffing a laugh discreetly. "There's some clothes in there for ya, will wait outside and then I'll take you to the Avatar hall where you can see a recording of yourself that'll explain to you what happened". I explain. "Hm, you sure are my daughter". Was the last thing he said before walking in his room to get changed as me and lyle waited outside. Once he walked out he wore a similar outfit except his shirt was a camo green. I lead us to the hall where people were still working on other avatars and such. I pull up a PDA and started the recording for dad to watch. He grimaced slightly at the video. Knowing now that he had died in his human form. Once it finished he looked at me and asked. "Where's your video?". "I died when I was four in my human form, if I had one, it wouldn't make no sense". I try to laugh off. He gives me a sad look for a second but quickly changes to stoic. "What's taking so long, the teams waiting". I heard through my ear piece. I hold the button on my neck giving a snarky reply. "Hold your tail private, beauty is on its way". I could hear the internal scoff coming from her. "Just hurry your ass".
"Ready to meet your old team?". I ask dad, he gives me a smile and sways his hand in the air indicating for me to show the way. Once I step into the room with dad following behind, everyone gives him a welcome. "Now I'm sure there's no need for introductions, stage is all yours colonel". Yes I addressed him as colonel, it's been 10 years I'll get comfortable calling him dad, some day. He turned to look out the window of the ship, making me fool my eyes at the dramatic behaviour. "Now I know what your all thinking". He speaks turning around slowly. I hold on a laugh, trying not to at his dramatic actions. "Why so blue?". We all laugh at the stupid joke. "I see where Nora gets it from". Zdinarsk speaks up, me and my father share a look. "The colours are pretty similar". I joke. Zdinarsk shoves me with a laugh. "Shut your ass up". Everyone else laughs at my comment. "Now". Dad turns his voice back to a more serious tone, catching our attention. You know how the whole speech goes. "Do we gotta mission". One of the soldiers asked. "Our mission is to kill and hunt the one they Toruk Makto, Jake Sully". He terribly pronounces his Na'vi name. But no one cares they just cheer happily about their mission. "Nora let me talk to you for a second". Dad pulls me away from everyone else. "What's up old man".
"How old are you?". He asked. "15 going on 16 sir". I answer him. "You don't have to address me as colonel or sir you know". I smile and shake my head at him. "What do you want old man". I ask starting to get impatient but keep the smile up. "You think you're ready for this mission". I scoff at his question. "I've been training for 6 nearly 7 years for this mission while your ass was still having your nanny nap, of course I'm ready". He gives me a proud smirk. "You sure are my daughter alright". He pays my shoulder and we head off to the others.
Next morning came we were shipped off to pandora, we were flying over a deserted looking area that was flat, city standing in the middle. "Mask off". I order. We walked off the aircraft taking our mask off, dad takes his off, taking his first breath of pandorian air. "Lyle take the colonel to meet the general, me and the team are gonna get the airships and all the equipment ready for our mission". I command. "Yes ma'am". He replies, nodding his head in the opposite direction for dad to follow. "Don't forget the information we need colonel, that'll come in handy on our mission". He nods and walks off after Lyle. "You're just like him". Zdinarsk places a hand on my shoulder. "Well didn't grow up with a mother so I got it off someone". I tell her. "Even if it was just 6 years". I blurt out. "Let's go, we got shit to do". Zdinarsk says putting me back into my soldier mindset. "Shit to do, people to kill, world to take over". I remind myself.

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