Chapter 157: Hugging You

Start from the beginning

"But many old fans want to see Brother Jin take the stage again and reproduce the performances that were more famous during the draft." Xiao Tang said.

Although Shen Jintai won the C position by throwing money in the draft, he really had the charm onstage. There are several performances that are classics in the hearts of old fans. Although Shen Jintai has now embarked on the path of an actor, the old fans were looking forward to him singing and dancing to a few of his notable songs during his birthday event.

"If I have time tomorrow, I'll try again." Shen Jintai said.

It really couldn't work today. Not only could he not dance, but he couldn't sing anymore. The weather was bad, and it was a moonless night. The forecast stated that there might be light snow. Seeing snow make him nervous, especially when there are so many fans and people coming tomorrow.

Anxiety had plague him all day and will keep doing so tomorrow.

Shen Jintai returned to the hotel under Xiao Tang's escort and met Yan Qiuchi as soon as he got there.

He smiled and asked: "How do you know I'm back?"

"President Yan always ask me." Xiao Tang said.

"You go back and rest, just leave him to me." Yan Qiuchi said as he took the luggage in Xiao Tang's hand.

Due to reheasing all night, Shen Jintai's body was all sticky and greasy from sweat, so he went to take a shower. As he left to shower, Yan Qiuchi helped him organize his luggage. After seeing that Shen Jintai hasn't come out of the bathroom for a long time, he knocked on the door.

"Haven't you finished yet?"

There was no answer inside. Yan Qiuchi opened the door and saw Shen Jintai lying in the bathtub, already asleep. He was sleeping soundly until he was patted twice. Shen Jintai slowly opened his eyes, narrowed them into a slit, and said in an extremely tired voice: "I'm so sleepy."

Yan Qiuchi fished him out of the bathtub and didn't mind the hot water soaking him. He held Shen Jintai with one hand and went to get a bath towel in the other. Shen Jintai suddenly opened his eyes and look at him blankly while saying: "You're so strong."

"I thought you fell asleep." Yan Qiuchi said.

Shen Jintai pursed his lips, but then really fell asleep. He regarded Yan Qiuchi as his lover now and was completely relaxed in front of him. There was nothing to worry about.

On the other hand, this was painful for Yan Qiuchi who was holding a snow-white body while wiping it down. Still, he counted this as a profit. He had seen a glimpse of it in the movie. His heart was hot looking at this view and he felt like he was rubbing tender tofu.

He and Shen Jintai hadn't been able to see each other and haven't slept together for many days. With his arms around Shen Jintai, he slept more comfortably than usual. He was entangled for a few minutes on whether he should dress Shen Jintai in his pajamas or not. Eventually his gentlemanly demeanor overcame the desires of his heart and felt that he shouldn't take advantage while Shen Jintai was sleeping like a dead log. It was best to strip Shen Jintai's clothes off one by one when he was most sober.

Shen Jintai didn't sleep well that night. He kept dreaming about the upcoming event and became more nervous. Suddenly he woke up and it was already early the next morning. When he woke up he found that he was tightly held in Yan Qiuchi's arms and the smell of Yan Qiuchi filled him.

"Happy birthday." Yan Qiuchi said.

Shen Jintai smiled in a daze, rubbed his eyes, lay down for a while, and said: "I have to get up."

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