Original Version - Chapter 6

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A few days later, Elanor grunted as she swung the sword, easily blocking what could have been a devastating blow. She pushed off and then spun around, quickly knocking her opponent to his feet. The elf – Elidren – chuckled as he stared up at her sword point.

"You've finally surpassed me, Lady Elanor," he said. 

Elanor smiled as she sheathed her sword and held a hand out to help him up.

"Dare say I surpassed you long ago," she quipped.

"This is true. Just how is it you've managed to avoid joining the guard?" he asked, brushing off his breeches. "I know for a fact that Haldir has been after you to join for the better part of a century now."

"Beginning to think more and more that I should," she replied, grimacing slightly as her thoughts turned to the fellowship. 

It would have been so easy to join him and avoid most interaction with Legolas altogether. Granted, part of her knew that Galadriel would have likely found some reason to make her stay.

"But then you would have missed our guests. I've seen the halflings visiting with you often," he said.

"I've grown rather fond of them," she said. "I find them refreshing."

"They are entertaining," he replied. He then bowed slightly. "If it's alright, I shall take my leave."

"Till next time," Elanor said. 

Elidren then turned and moved quickly back towards the center of the city.

"So, you are good with a blade," a voice called out. 

Elanor turned, seeing the Gondorian leaning against a tree. Boromir, she recalled. She had not spoken with him much, finding something about him slightly unhinged and unsettling. He pushed off from the tree and walked towards her, smiling warmly as if to put her at ease.

"I fare well enough," Elanor replied, studying him coolly.

"I've been in need of a good sparring partner," he said, his eyes questioning.

"I suppose I can stay a bit longer," Elanor replied, pulling her sword out from its sheath. "Have you sparred with elves before?"

"Here and there," he replied lightly as he began to circle her. Elanor stood calmly, watching his every move. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that the hobbits had taken notice and were scurrying towards the training grounds. "But never against an elf woman."

"Then be prepared for an education," she replied, smiling slightly to herself.

Boromir lunged towards her, but Elanor easily sidestepped out of the way, her sword held at the ready. He grinned as he turned and swung again, the loud clang of steel hitting steel reverberating through the woods.

They then started in a quick back and forth, both taking turns striking and parrying. After awhile, Boromir seemed to be losing his breath, though Elanor was still not yet tired. She was grateful for the many sparring sessions with Haldir, who was much more solid that she was. Otherwise Boromir's blows would have been much too jarring.

"Who do you think will win?" Gimli asked, looking up at Legolas. 

The two had seen the hobbits make their way to the field and followed, curious as to what they were watching.

"Elanor, of course," Legolas replied, a small smile on his face. "I did train with her, after all."

"Who would win in a sparring match between Elanor and you?" Merry asked brightly, looking over at the elf.

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