Original Version - Chapter 5

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"We are here to see Lady Elanor!" a voice said loudly and slowly, followed by the soothing lilt of Elvish. 

Elanor quickened her pace down the stairs, immediately recognizing the familiar voice of Merry.

"I don't think they understand you, Merry," she heard Pippin whisper loudly.

"Well, they understood me fine the other day when we came!" Merry said indignantly.

"That was someone else," Sam pointed out.

Elanor couldn't help but smile to herself as she walked into the grand foyer of the home and saw the group of four hobbits huddled together in front of one of the servants, Daena. Elanor knew for a fact that she understood the common tongue and could speak it fluently, but she had a mischievous streak and was likely playing a joke on the poor halflings.

"Daena, do I have visitors?" she called out in Elvish. 

The woman turned to see her, eyes wide as she had been caught.

"I was just about to send for you, my lady," she said quickly. Elanor smiled warmly.

"Thank you. I will receive them here, though if you could prepare some tea and perhaps something to eat and take it to the day room?" she said, hoping the servant knew that she was in no trouble with her.

"Yes, my lady," she said, bowing slightly before hurrying off. 

Elanor then turned her attention to the hobbits, stepping up to them. Merry and Pippin were grinning brightly, while Sam stood back shyly with Frodo, who was busy looking around the grand home.

"We came the other day, but they said you weren't accepting visitors," Merry said.

"My apologies Master Merry, I was needed by Lady Galadriel," she said, lying smoothly. She did not want the hobbits to know that she had stayed in for three days avoiding another meeting with Legolas. "If you'll follow me, I am more than happy to receive you now." She then turned and started up the staircase, going slowly so that the hobbits could follow.

"This is a grand house," Pippin said in awe as he looked around.

"It is the home of Galadriel and Celeborn," Elanor said. "And I suppose mine as well."

"Right, you said that they are your aunt and uncle," Merry said. 

Elanor looked back at them, noticing Frodo looking at her in awe.

"Yes, my great aunt and uncle. My mother was the daughter of Galadriel's brother Angrod," she explained gently.

"Have you always lived here, Lady Elanor?" Sam asked.

"Are you daft? You know she grew up with Legolas," Merry hissed at him.

"Begging your pardon, then," Sam said.

"It is fine, Master Samwise," Elanor said, leading them from a landing down a hallway. 

She then turned and walked into the day room, happy to see that more chairs had been brought in for her guests and that they were smaller, making it easier for them to climb into them. 

"Please be seated. I am sure tea and food will be along shortly." 

She moved to sit in a large comfy chair closest to the open balcony.

All the hobbits were immediately taken in by the view, moving quickly to the balcony to look out.

"This is amazing," Merry said, his eyes wide. "You can see the whole city from here."

"I am happy to see that you enjoy my home," she said.

"How do they build these?" Pippin asked, turning to look at her. 

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