Original Version - Chapter 4

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Elanor stood on the balcony and watched as Legolas left, walking off towards the clearing where the rest of the fellowship was gathered. She looked away, turning back into the room so that he could not see her as she fought against the tears.

She had thought herself strong enough to handle a simple conversation with him. While it had started easy enough, the more they spoke, the more the old memories came rearing their ugly heads. It was only a matter of time before he asked the one question she was not sure she could answer.

Why she had left.

Sighing, she left the day room and walked to her rooms, shutting the door behind her. She did not wish to be bothered by anyone as she struggled to stem the onslaught of memories. While Mirkwood was never far from her mind, she had found it easier over the years to think of other things – her father, her mother. But there were so many, many memories that were tied to Legolas. She could never fully push him from her mind no matter how she tried.

Elanor stood nervously in her chambers as her servant laid out the various parts of an elaborate gown

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Elanor stood nervously in her chambers as her servant laid out the various parts of an elaborate gown. There was to be a feast that night and for the first time, her mother had insisted she wear something more adult than her usual gowns. She was now 60 and nearly an adult, she had said to her that morning. In just 40 more years, she would be considered a lady and it was time she began getting used to such status.

All Elanor wanted to do was train and ride horses with Legolas.

"Would you stop fretting, my lady. You will look magnificent," her maid said, grinning at her. Elanor smiled nervously and nodded, too anxious to speak. "Dare say you will grab more than one eligible elf's eye."

"Phelorna, please," she said, huffing. 

Catching the eye of anyone was far from her mind. She wanted to learn how to fight first. Courting could come later after she was fully of age. The older elf woman just chuckled.

"Elanor!" Legolas shouted as he bounded into her rooms. 

Elanor nearly gave a shriek as she rushed behind a screen, suddenly feeling rather vulnerable in just her shift. Her body had finally settled into most of its changes, but she was used to binding herself for training. She felt practically naked as she was.

"Legolas!" she shouted. "I am undressed!"

"It's not as though I haven't seen you in a nightdress before," he replied as he walked over and sat in a chair, propping his feet up on a nearby table.

"I am in nothing but a shift!" she exclaimed, peering around the edge of the screen.

"She has a point, my lord," Phelorna said, giving Legolas a stern look, though it was tempered by a chuckle.

"I am not yet ready," Elanor added, filling her cheeks heat up as she hid behind the screen again.

"Since when did you care about decorum?" Legolas asked.

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