Chapter 7

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Elanor found her feet leading her towards where the Fellowship was staying the next morning almost of their own accord. Though the closer she got, the more anxious she felt. She still was not so sure what she would say to Legolas.

"Lady Elanor!" Merry said brightly as she stepped into the clearing. It seemed the Fellowship was just finishing its breakfast as all members were present, though they quickly stood at her arrival. She could feel her cheeks flush slightly.

"What brings you to our humble corner today?" Gimli asked.

"I only wished to see that you were taken care of," she said, feeling slightly overwhelmed. She had not expected all of them to be here.

"We are well, thank you," Aragorn said, though he glanced over at Legolas. Elanor nodded and then quickly turned, heading towards her home as she softly cursed herself.


She stopped walking and turned, seeing that Legolas had followed her. Instantly, her heart began pounding in her chest.

"I was wondering if you would like to perhaps... walk with me a bit?" he asked hopefully. Still unable to speak, Elanor nodded.

The two set out through the city at a leisurely pace, neither saying anything at first. Elanor could feel him looking at her, though she fought from returning the gaze.

Calm. Control. Breathe.

"How fares the Fellowship?" she asked, finding it a safe place to begin.

"Well," Legolas said. "We want for nothing and each day grow stronger and more rested. Especially the hobbits."

"That is good to hear," Elanor replied. "I gather it must not be easy to be so far from home and loved ones. Especially for those who do not travel so much."

"They seem eager for the adventure," Legolas replied. Elanor glanced at him and then took a deep breath.

"And how are you faring? I do not recall you venturing too far from Mirkwood all that often before," she continued. Legolas chuckled slightly.

"True, though I have become better travelled in the last century," he said.

"Ah yes, I heard. You spent time in Imladris and with the Dunedain," Elanor said, finding her heart was beginning to pick up speed the closer their conversation edged towards the reason he would leave. "But I assumed the guard is in capable hands."

"It is. Oren has more than proven himself," Legolas said. Elanor stopped, turning to him. That made no sense. Since when was Oren captain of the guard?

"I thought Tauriel was captain," she said, forgetting herself for a moment. Legolas studied her a moment.

"Tauriel left some 70 years ago," he said. Elanor blinked a few times, but then continued on walking, a bit astonished by the news. And that Legolas did not seem to be all that bothered by the fact the object of his affections had left.

"What happened?" Elanor asked.

"Well, a company of dwarves passed through our lands on their way to retake Erebor. We took them into custody and Tauriel... fell for one," he said amiably. Elanor once again stopped and turned to him, her mouth falling open.

"A dwarf?!" she nearly shouted. Legolas stared at her a moment, his eyebrows rising. A grin then spread across his face as he chuckled. Elanor's face then turned slightly pink as she remembered herself. Glancing around, she was glad that Gimli was not nearby. "I mean, I hold no ill will, but... it is rather unheard of."

Legolas began walking again as Elanor followed him.

"It is. She followed them and a pack of orcs hunting them to Lake Town after they escaped. Saved him from certain death. But then... unfortunately he was mortally wounded in the Battle of the Five Armies," Legolas said. Elanor frowned slightly.

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