"Why shouldn't I?" Finn scoffed. "Why wouldn't he do the same thing that I did to him?"

"What the hell?" Autumn frowned.

"It's a long story," Mike shook his head.

"Of course it is," Autumn mumbled, sighing sadly.

"It's gossip, Finn," Quinn said.

"This is your fault!" Santana yelled as she stormed into the room and walked up to Brittany. "You and Naomi told everyone that I played for 'another team' on your ridiculous melted cheese show!"

"I didn't do anything!" Naomi tried defending herself, hurt that Santana would accuse her of outing her.

"Wait, are you mad?" Brittany asked. "You do play for another team. You were on the Cheerios and now you're only in New Directions."

"And you couldn't have thought of any other way to say that?" Santana scoffed.

"I swear, I'm gonna punch your face off!" Finn shouted as he shoved Sam.

"You've got a lot of nerve accusing me," Sam scoffed, shoving the older boy back harder. "You're the one who stole my girl!"

"Stop it!" Quinn snapped, pushing the two boys apart.

Finn stormed out of the choir room. Santana sent Brittany a hurt glare before turning and leaving as well.


"What do we know about Sam anyway?" Tina asked as some of the New Directions sat around a table at the Lima Bean. "I mean, what town is he from? What state? What's his old school like?"

"Maybe he's a serial killer," Juniper shrugged, exchanging a look with Naomi as they both started laughing.

"Kurt wouldn't cheat on Blaine," Autumn said as she took a bite out of her coffee cake.

"You wouldn't know," Puck scoffed. "You haven't been here."

"It's just like the Rumors album," Rachel said. "I mean, people being apart or on the road is hard for two artists. Performers have this 'love the one you're with' mentality. I mean, look at all of us. Look at all of the different combinations that we've had. Autumnchel, Puckleberry."

"Tina Choen Chang-Chang," Tina jumped in.


"Pizes and Pucktumn"

"Ew," Autumn scoffed, taking a sip of her mocha.

"You dated him?" Juniper asked.


"Guys, we're sitting here squabbling over what? A rumor," Finn said.

"Finn's right," Rachel agreed. "We need more information."

"I don't wanna get into it," Quinn spoke up. "But all I'm gonna say...Sam's not gay."

She stood up and grabbed her bag, leaving the cafe without looking back once.


"Fondue for two! Fondue for two! That's some hot dish! Fondue for two!"

"Hi, I'm Brittany. Welcome to Fondue for Two. My guest today was supposed to be Santana, but she texted about an hour ago and it just said, 'I can't.' So...show must go on. Um, I will be interviewing one of my best friends, Autumn Graham."

"It's an honor to be here, Britt," Autumn said, smiling softly at her friend. "I'm sorry about Santana."

"It's fine," Brittany shrugged. "Alright, question one. What is your response to a claim made in the school newspaper that Finn's having an affair with Rachel to get back at Quinn?"

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