New Years Day

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It's been 4 days since Christmas and those 4 days have been some of the best since my parents kicked me out.

I've gone on 2 more dates with Edward. Rosalie and I went to Port Angles to go shopping for all the Boxing Day sales.

Mike and I work together and it's pretty fun. Mike's mom and dad will sometimes leave us in charge if they have to run errands.

Bella and I haven't done anything. In fact she hasn't even talked to me since Christmas.

Today is the day before New Year's Eve. My dad will be dead soon.

Every time I think of mom as a murder I get nauseous. Mike and I are walking to the store where we work right now.

"Hey look a for sale sign for that house." Mike says pointing at the house.

"I haven't seen a for sale sign since I got here." I say.

"I wonder who's going to buy it?" Mike says.

"I wonder what happened to the people who live there before?" I say.

"Maybe it'll be on the news later." Mike says.

"Maybe." I say. I have a bad feeling about why that house is now vacant.

We get to his parents store and I'm stocking the shelves and Mike is working the till. After work I walk back to Charlie's house.

Mike went home with his parents. I see the house with the for sale sign.

Except now it says sold. I have an even worse feeling about who bought it.

I text Mike.

Caroline- Hey someone bought the house already.

Mike - That's was fast.

Caroline- I have a bad feeling about who bought it.

Mike- If you go snooping be careful.

Caroline- It's late tonight. I'll snoop around tomorrow.

Mike- Ok. Still be careful.

I continue walking to Charlie's I can't stop thinking about all the bad possibilities that could happen.

"Hey kiddo." Charlie greets me as I walk in the door.

"Hey. Where's Bella?" I ask.

"She's upstairs. Are you to finally getting along?" Charlie asks.

"I don't know." I say then walk upstairs.

"Caroline! I was waiting for you. So you know how at school everybody is almost the same except the Cullen's they stick out. I know why." She says.

"What is it?" I ask.

I'm a little worried about what her answer will be.

"They are vampires." She says.

Shit she knows. I start to laugh.

"Bella vampires aren't real." I say.

"Yeah that's not the only thing I know." Bella says.

"What else?" I ask.

"Well over the past weeks I've noticed you being weird. You walk out of our room in the morning already ready. But your hairbrush is in the bathroom. Or you have a closet full of candles. I was able to open the closet." Bella says.

Damn she knows I'm a witch to. The spell on the closet was someone could only open it if they new my secrets. That I'm bi and that I'm a witch.

"You're a witch."she states.

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