Early in the morning

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I wake up in the morning it's early I look at the clock it says 4:00. I'm about to close my eyes to get more sleep in Alice walks in.

"Oh I didn't expect you to be up this early." She says. Though she doesn't look surprised.

"Yeah I just woke up. I wanted to talk to you. I don't know if I ever told you why I did move in with Charlie." I tell her.

"You don't have to tell me." Alice says. "No I want to." I say then before she can say anything else I tell her what I told Charlie in the car that first day. Woah that was 2 weeks ago already. It feels like 3 days ago I moved in with Charlie.

"Thanks for telling me it means a lot that you trust me." Alice says.

"What about you why are you here so early?" I ask her. "I wanted to bring you something." She says and hands me a purple bag.

"You didn't have to bring anything." I tell her. "Just open it you'll love it." She says smiling at me.

"Ok" I say and open it. Inside is a book. Not just any book one of my favourites that I didn't bring with me. She was right I love it.

"Thanks Alice this is one of my favourites. Thank you so much." I tell her and now I'm smiling but not for long because it hurts so bad too smile.

"Oh Alice I wanted to ask you if Dr. Cullen said when I could go home." I ask her.

Home. But not Home. Home is where I grew up. This 'home' is more of a house than a home. I miss home.

"Oh he didn't tell me. I could go ask." She says and before I can answer she's already out the door.

Someone walks through the door a few minutes after Alice leaves. I look up and it's Edward.

He walks in and sits in the chair by my bed. "It's so early what are you doing here?" I asks him.

"The same thing Alice was doing, coming to see you." He says. Oh no I remember leaving as soon as he showed up yesterday.

I remember what I was thinking to. And I was right he does sound hot. Oh my god no he doesn't he's just a friend.

A very attractive friend. No it doesn't matter if I find him attractive.

Because I don't I definitely don't. I realize that I should probably say something.

"You guys could've came later in the day." I tell him. "Oh I don't mind I like to spend time with you." He says.

Damn it. It's stuff like that that makes him so sweet. "What is I was sleeping." I say.

"Well then I would just sit in this chair and wait for you to get up." He tells me.

"Ok" I say. I don't know what else to say. Then I don't have to because Dr. Cullen and Alice walk in.

"I'm sorry my children were bothering you Caroline." Dr. Cullen says. "It's ok I like the company." I tell him.

"Ok then. Alice says you want to know when you are able to leave." He says. "Yes" I answer. "Well I do want to check over everything first then I'll see." He explains. "Yeah that's fine with me." I say.

"Ok I'll go check everything over." He says then leaves. There are 2 chairs in the room so Alice sits down in one of them.

"We could play a game." she says. "What kind of game?" I ask. "Truth or dare." She says while smiling.

"Ok" me and Edward say at the same time. "I'll start." Alice says. "Truth or dare Caroline." She says. "umm Truth." I say.

I have no clue what Alice is going to say. "Have you ever kissed someone?" She's asks. I blush. I haven't kissed any one. "No" I say quickly.

"Ummm Edward truth or dare?" I ask him. "Dare." He says. I don't know any dares.

I think about what I can dare him to do but this is a hospital so he can't do much.

"Show us you're most embarrassing photo on your phone." I say. He pulls out his phone and shows us a picture.

"Rosalie took it while we were playing baseball

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"Rosalie took it while we were playing baseball." He says. We laugh about it but secretly I think it's not that embarrassing. It's cute.

We keep playing until 5:30 when Alice leaves to get ready for school and it's just me and Edward.

Authors note- This chapter was really fun to write. I'll try to post another one by Friday or Saturday.

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