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I leave Carlisle's office last.

When I get downstairs to the kitchen everyone is already there.

I think they've all agreed to not talk about the witch stuff tonight.

I sit down at the kitchen table with everyone but Esme.

Esme walks towards the table with a vanilla cake and purple icing with candles on top.

They all start to sing happy birthday. To me.

"Make a wish dear." Esme says.

I don't know what to wish for so I pretend to make a wish then I blow out the candles.

Esme me then cuts a piece of cake for me. It's a pretty huge piece. I start to eat and they all leave.

When they come back they all have presents in there hands.

"Who's present do you want to open first?" Rosalie asks.

"Whoever wants me to." I say.

Rosalie hands me hers first.

"It's from me and Emmett." She says.

I open the box and it's a book. A vampire book. I laugh.

"Thank you Rosalie and Emmett." I say.

"Well I know you like books." She says.

"And you like vampires so..." Emmett explains.

"I bet it'll be great." I say.

"Open mine and Jasper's next. Your going to love it." Alice says.

"Ok." I say.

She hands me a box. I open it and it is a super cute pair of ankle boots.

"They are your size too." She says.

"How do you know what size my feet are?" I ask.

"Well I just saw what pair I picked if they would fit or not." She explains.

"Ah seeing the future. Thank you Alice and Jasper, the boots are so cute." I say.

"Glad you like them." Jasper says.

"Me and Carlisle hope you like ours." Esme says and hands me a package.

Once I open her package a see a beautiful necklace. It has a silver chain and a purple pendant.

"Woah, this is beautiful. Thank you guys so much." I say.

"Your welcome." Carlisle says.

"I love it so much." I say.

I start to put it on next to the one Billy and Jake got me.

"The last ones mine." Edward says.

He hands me a present when I open it I see a McDonald's bag.

I give Edward a confused look as I open the bag. It's a burger and fries. I smile.

"When did you get this? Where did you get this?" I ask him.

"While you were at work I ran to Seattle and got you McDonald's. You said it was your favourite." Edward explains.

"Thank you." I say and I start eating.

It's so good. This might just be the best present I've ever got. That's over exaggerated but it's pretty good.

"I take it you enjoyed my gift." Edward says.

"Yeah it's so good." I say.

"Do you want some?" I offer unsure as to whether he can eat food.

"No it would taste really bad for me. Then I would have to through it up later." He explains.

"Oh ok." I say.

The rest of the night went by amazingly it was very fun.

"I hope you had a great birthday Caroline." Rosalie says.

Everyone else say's their goodbyes. Then Edward drives me home.

"Tell them again that I had a wonderful time tonight. Would you?" I ask.

"Of course. I'm glad you had a lovely time." He said.

He walks me up to Charlie's porch. He kisses me goodnight.

"Caroline Blake will you be my girlfriend officially." He asks.

"Of course!" I say and kiss him.

Then I go in side Charlie's house.

"Hey kiddo how was your night?" He asks.

"It was awesome." I say.

"I'm glad you had fun." He said.

"It's pretty late I'm going to go to bed it's a school night tomorrow so don't stay up to late." Charlie says

then he goes upstairs to his room. I decide to try to play around with the candle more.

Whenever I feel like I want the candle to light it will light. I poor a cup of water. I put the cup in front of me.

Then I try to feel like I want the water to float in the air. The water slowly rises from the cup and into the air.

"Woah." I whisper out to myself.

Carlisle was right I'm a witch.

Authors note- This chapter was pretty short because I've had a lot to study for classes. I will try to post a longer part by Saturday day.

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