Chapter 3 - Are You Crazy?!

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Wilson's POV
The next morning while we're working out in the arena's gym, I deduce my plan to Oshie.

"I like it. Going from dating a professional volleyball player to a regular girl. That will definitely annoy her. I mean, isn't she dating a male model or something?" Oshie explains as he does his leg warm ups. I nod.

"Yep. Now all I need is a girl to pose as my girlfriend," I mutter. Oshie smirks.

"I think I know who you could ask to do it," he says, nodding towards Kasey who's learning how to do some of our workouts with Ovi. I shake my head.

"No way, Osh. It's not happening,"

"Why not, Willy? She's the perfect candidate. Making it look like you fell for your athletic trainer makes your revenge even sweeter," Oshie explains. I frown at Oshie as we switch places so I can start my own leg warmups.

"First of all, I just met her yesterday. And second, well, there is no second because the first point I made will correlate with anything else I say." I explain.

"Then who are you going to ask? Some random girl off the streets of D. C.? Because I'm sure that will end well," Oshie states. I sigh.

Oshie might be right. I don't know a lot of women, but I do sort of know Kasey.

"Plus, I saw you guys walking out together yesterday. You two seemed to have a lot to talk about," Oshie adds with a smirk. I roll my eyes.

"She asked me if I wanted to walk out with her and I did because I wanted to be nice. And, yes, we did talk. I figured I might as well get to know her since she's my trainer. Is that so wrong?" I question. Oshie shakes his head.

"No. It's not. I probably would have done the same thing if I had left when she did,"

"Exactly. It's just called being nice. Not we're in love," I snap.

"Well, are you going to ask Kasey about helping you out or what? You don't really have any other options," Oshie says. I shrug.

"I guess. You think we should bring some of the guys into this, Osh?"

"For sure. We should at least tell Ovi and Nicki. They should probably know about it at least," Oshie replies. I nod. "Great. I'll go talk to them so that you can talk to Kasey,"

I clench my teeth, not wanting to ever open my mouth again but I know this has to be done. If I want to take out my revenge on Taylor, Kasey is the girl who can help me.

When I finish my leg warm ups, I walk over to where Kasey is working out. She was with Ovi not too long ago, learning how to do a few of our work outs. I notice Ovi talking to Oshie and he smiles when he sees me. I try to ignore him as I stand next to Kasey.

"Hey, Kasey." I say. Kasey looks up at me and smiles.

"Hey, Wilson."

"Tom, actually." I say. Kasey shrugs.

"Ok, Tom. You wanna join me?" She asks.

"Sure," I reply.

Kasey is lifting dumbbells right now. Ovi was teaching her something else earlier, but I can't remember what it was. I lift for a bit and then decide that I should probably talk to Kasey about the plan I have.

"Kasey, can I ask you something?" I say. Kasey shrugs.

"Sure. What's up?" She asks. I look into her eyes and I hesitate before saying what I want to say.

"Can you pretend to be my girlfriend?"

Kasey's POV
My eyes grow wide and I don't know what to say at first. I start laughing, almost hysterically, in an attempt to wrap my head around all that Tom just said. When I can finally form words, I don't say much.

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