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After few days later, we got our clothes, suits, and dresses for me and Annie. We checked on King yet again but he's not yet awake so we're not going to worry about him at the moment. Since I'll know when he'll wakes up. I started changing from sports clothes to wear a long sleeve cropped shirt, skirt that goes up to my stomach a little and above my knees, belt, and a jacket. I went to grab my heel boots that goes up to the knees and put them on before tying them and I was  almost ready to go. I went to the bathroom to put a bit of makeup like just red lipstick and yellow eye shadows and everything else that I can use, but I don't wanted to powder my face since I'm covered in fur.

Åse: "Annie, can you come here to and see how I look?" I said. Annie soon came over and see how I look and she saw my face and started laughing a bit. She's wearing a sweater, sweat pants, and boots.

Annie:"Oh my Gawd, A WOLF CLOWN!!!" She said and I laughed a little.

Åse: "No, seriously. How do I look?" I asked and she came and looked at the makeup product I was using.

Annie: "What is this cheap shit?" She asked and holds up the makeup product.

Åse: "Well it's cheaper than the other ones. I thought I asked you before we head to this Mall to get some clothes for Jake." I said as Annie grabbed the makeup remover and removed them. "Hey what are you—"

Annie: "Nope, you're not going out looking like a clown, that stuff will burn your face off in no time. Let's go sit on the chair in this guest room and let's make you look like you're in the 80's." She said and pushed me out of the bathroom and made me walk towards the chair and I sat down.

She grabbed out the expensive makeup and came over to me and hopped on my lap.

Annie: "Be still." She said and started replacing to the expensive makeup on as I heard her humming out some music until we heard a knock.

Jackie (through the door): "Girls, what are you two doing?" She asked.

Annie: "Fixing this clown with better makeup, apparently she doesn't know what good makeup to use." She said and we heard Jackie laughing.

Jackie (through the door): "Alright, we'll give you two some time before we go to the Mall." She said and left to get into the car and start it up while Annie work with me on this makeup for a bit.

Annie use the yellow for eyeshadows and made it blend them a little to make it look nice.

Annie: "Ma'am, I don't know what you were doing to your face but those last ones you were using did not match your outfit or style. You will be laughed at if you use that shit again." She said and I laughed a little.

Minutes later, Annie got done with me and the makeup as she puts them away. She looks at me and nodded her head.

Annie: "Oh yeah, now you're looking like a mother in a mother figure. Beautiful." She said as she grabbed the hand mirror and show me the reflection of myself.

Åse: "Wow, you did lot better than I did." I said as I looked at my nails she painted them red, like my lips.

Annie: "You're welcome, let's get going, I'll go find Jake." She said and went to find Jake.

I got up and went to the car. I took the front seat and buckled up and waited with Jackie. It's not to long until Annie came out holding Jake in her arms. He's still wearing his pjs that was given, but Annie made sure he also wears a jacket, gloves, and boots. He also has his plush toy and blanket.

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