Part 86

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Natalie became the lady of the house, taking good care of it but becoming hollow and tired. much more like the woman I first met. her relationship with daniel was... rocky at best. often fighting and arguing but doing their best to hide it from Thomas as best they could. More staff came including martin and it was so sweet to see him as a young man not yet tried of his immortal life. and my sweet Thomas, watching him grow still as a sugary sweet little boy as could be imagined even after the terrible things he had witnessed it did worry me as to what is was that turned him so... but, I didn't wait long to find out. I had followed him on an evening sneak out of the house into the town away from his arguing parents walking though the little Pennyshire market and suddenly he stopped short... I was puzzled and looked to see him. He was utterly smitten, wide-eyed, mouth agape, breath short. He was staring at a young girl across the market in a long tattered green dress, with porcine skin and bright orange hair in a dirty braid,with bright sky blue eyes. she waved at him playfully and he sweetly waved back, she cooed a little at him and even flashed her ankle which I'm sure was scandalous for this time period and Thomas melted, not literally but I think it was close. He went over nervously and started a conversation with her. 

"Uhhhh Hello" he blushed

"Hello" she smiled offering an apple from her basket he paid her and took the apple having a bite 

"Your uhh you're very beautiful"

"aren't ya sweet" she smiled pinching his cheek 

"I uhh I'm thomas"

"Lillibeth" she smiled 

"Ughhhhhhhh..... would uhh would you like to go for a walk with me?"

"Awww sorry sugar cube, father says I must sell every apple before I'm allowed home" she says 

"Oh, what if I buy them all? then we could go?"

"Awww you'd do that for me? you really are a sugar cube" she smiled 

He happily paid for all the apples and she let him walk around the square with her at arms length of course before shooing him off for her to head home. He hurried home to the house and immediately lay on his bed like a love-sick idiot. 

Admittedly I already hate her. Not just because I know what she's going to do to him, I found her very rude and I guess in hindsight her tricks were easier to see. every interaction they had coin would be exchanged and I had never seen her give him any. I couldn't blame Thomas he didn't know any better. But she clearly worked out fast that he liked her and that he had money and she was going to milk Thomas for every coin she could get while never letting him get anywhere. it went on for years watching Thomas grow up all while chasing this girl I had to admit I got... a little jealous at some points but that's only fair to be jealous watching the man you love be so utterly devoted to another woman, and infuriated to see how badly she treated him. 

"Please lilli" 

"No thomas, you silly little boy"

"Please lilli I won't see you for two weeks all I want is a little kiss before you go" he pleads 

"No kisses, what if my father found out?"

"So what, let me take you home and tell him how bad I want to marry you"

"Ohh Thomas don't be silly"

"I'm not being silly lilli, I love you, I adore you, you know I do. I'd marry you tomorrow if you'd only let me"

"Alright" she sighed 

"We can get married!"

"No." she snapped "One kiss. for your usual toll" 

"But... I don't have any more coins." 

"Ohh then no kisses for you" she laughs 

"But I just bought you your new dress, and I bought us dinner. please Lilli just one little kiss just while your gone" he pleads taking her hand 

"No Thomas. if your good you can have kissed when I get back alright"

"okay, why are you going all the way to Norfolk anyway?" 

"I told you, Thomas my father insists I go, he thinks I should marry him"

"But you won't?"

"Of course not Thomas, it's just an act for father. once he's dealt with we'll get married"

"You promise?"

"Of course, I promise my darling" 

"Alright, I'll see you soon?"

"soon" she smiled giving his head a little kiss before she returned to town, 

"Ohh Thomas, you poor thing," I said I wanted so desperately to hold him but I was unable to, he got up and returned home to a lecture from his parents of course as they were now caring for little ava who could barely walk and talk yet. But the days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months and lillibeth didn't come back. Thomas passed and panicked desperate for answers, he even broke away from the house and went to find her bringing her back to the manor I had to watch through my fingers watching him explain to her the truth about himself and the family but she wasn't interested explaining she was already married to the man her father picked out having been able to woo him because of all the dresses, money and gifts he gave her. 

"But Lillibeth... please... Love you. I'll give you anything, anything at all I can give you an immortal life. just please... say you love me. and say you'll stay"

"You are crazy. you're a monster. I never want to see you again!" she screamed marching out the dungeon

"Lilli please-"

"No! your insane if you think I'm staying with you for another moment let alone the rest of my life or immortal life. your sweet Thomas. you are. But I don't want a sugary husband and I never did"

"But you said we'd get married"

"I lied! to get you to leave me alone!"

"But I love you"

she had no mercy always denying him fighting him at all chances until she got outside he had no choice but to take his true form even larger and more threatening now but still she fought back even climbing the tower and kicking down the rocks to break his wing until he eventually killed her. 

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