Part 74

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After giving jack Jack a full tour of the house's renovations we went through to the dining room all well prepared. His mother at the end as usual with Ava and Oliver on either side of her, Thomas at the other with Jack and myself on either side of him all of us taking and laughing about everything sharing wine.

"And I swear to god it was the craziest thing we ever did"

"You've all had such long interesting lives" I smiled

"Or we're all just nuts" Jack laughed

"Jurys out on that one" Thomas laughed sipping his drink

"But come on we have endless stupid stories which I'm sure we will get though but come on I wanna hear about what I've missed" he says "Ava? Oliver? This whole... situation?"

"Well, I guess it all started when Aunt lisa came up said she wanted to host her wedding here, we did all the planning all the organization and of course as always we sent the invites out with a few welcome strangers" Ava explained "Her wedding was so beautiful, and... I saw oliver across the dance floor looking around like a little lost puppy." she giggled

"I was scared" he spoke up

"And we got talking and... that was it." she giggled

"We shared numbers and we just ended up on call all day everyday for months" he smiled "I just wanted to hear her voice everyday"

"Awww your so sweet" she cooes. "We couldn't handle being away from each other. So I invited him to stay over for the weekend,"

"And I'm still here"

"We where engaged just a month later" she smiled

"Thats so sweet" he smiled "You two seem so sweet together I wish I could have been here for the wedding"

"We wanted to invite you" she says "but... we where worried about everything"

"Its understandable. I just happy that your happy together" He says "what about you too?" he turned his attention to us

"Well, When ava sent out her invitations we of course sent them out to the usual random welcome strangers and I got a call though about the wedding and... it was y/n." he explained "she came up for the wedding and... I haven't let her go since" he joked holding my hand "We are getting married soon aren't we"

"Very soon"
"Adorable" He laughs "You got strangers coming to yout wedding?"

"I think so" I nodded

"Good. By this rate I'll met myself a wife at your wedding"

"We can hope" their mother laughed

"You'll stay? Till the wedding?" I asked

"Of course" He smiled "To catch up and all." he says "I... i have missed you all I have." 

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