Part 87

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I felt so awful, watching him be so upset he barely emerged from his room for over a year constantly crying over her, I felt so horrible I just wanted to hold him close and tell him all the things we would do together, how much I loved him and how he only had to wait a little while till we could be together. But slowly he got over it becoming more hardened and vacant unfortunately more of the man I knew. I watched him and his family go around the world as ava grew up having so many adventures until... that fight.

"You have always looked down on me!"

"well, what did you want me to do!"

"you're a monster. I never wanted this life! you made me! you forced me!"

"I never forced you"

"Yes you did! if you'd just gotten rid of him I could have lived a normal life. without secrets and ceremonies! I could have died. when I was meant to! rather then living in this waking nightmare!"

"if you want to die! it can be arranged" 

their fight was... horrible to watch like nothing I had ever seen before violence I had only ever seen once before when herny destroyed Pennyshire, Natalie won leaving daniel now a bloody mess and Thomas now lord of the house. 

then war came. luckily the house was spared from destruction Thomas fought bravely as did jack, Natalie and ava even turned the house into a place for the ill and wounded a sweet gesture even if they were using the dead to feed on it was sweet to see all the boys of the flying bats all so close especially when jack came home to the manor with Thomas. It felt like no time at all war was called again and I had to admit it made me giggle to see that face again. the face I think all boys in this family make when they see something and utterly fall in love 

"she- she's beautiful" 

"Yeah the newbie. you boy's will all be trained on her a lots of new buttons and bits for you to learn" The commander explained 

"she's so perfect" he cooed

"Thomas ya want some time alone with your new plane?" Jack laughs 

"Yes. I shall name her... lady" he smiled giving the front of the plane a hug "Ummmm lady"

"should we be concerned about him?" The commander asks 

"no this is just kinda how he is" jack shrugged 

The flying bats reformed and admittedly I got a little playfully jealous of the plane but it helped me to see just how much he loved that plane, when all was done It broke my heart watching him slow deeper and deeper into his sadness until... she arrived. 

Valerie. she was just as I imaged her and I hated her the moment I saw her. she was open about how Thomas was nothing to her, just a toy she plaid with and honestly I joined with the family and with jack in wanting her gone I felt awful to watch him fall so far into the abuse of drugs and alcohol all because of her abuse of his sadness and her use of him for her own desires admittedly I was thankful for her teaching him what he did know however I'm sure I could have done so all I wanted to do was slap the damn girl even if I did see just how sick she was and how much she hid that from Thomas. 

The fights now where huge and honestly I was fearful even though I knew the outcome I was afraid one of these would really get out of hand but her fall soon came... they agreed to marry and I had to watch that fight in the study

"This is insane. thomas you know better then that"

"I know I do"

"do you really want a marriage like your mother and father"


"Then why are you doing this!"

"Becuase I can't find anyone else! I may never find anyone else and I.... I can't loose her now jack. shes the only friend I have left."

"I'm your friend. and you'll always have your family"

"Maybe... I want more then that. I love my family I do. But It can't be so much to ask just to want someone to hold at night" 

"You'll find her. you will. don't make the mistake of marrying some bimbo who you know you'll never love. we both know the girl you're meant for wherever she is she'll find her way here" 

"I can't wait any longer jack. I can't be alone anymore. I'm marrying Valerie. before her sickness takes hold."

"You marry her... I'm leaving."

"Don't make me choose between you and her"

"why not?"

"Because you already know my answer" 

"I do. Alright... Goodbye Thomas"

"Goodbye jack"

I cried so much I tried so much to make myself known but still jack packed up and left, and soon enough she had her tumble, and even though I hated her... it was hard to watch as she laid in the bed with only Thomas to comfort her. "Valerie. I can save you. I can give you an immortal life."

"Ohhh Thomas... I'm not afraid of death. not anymore. I know I said I... wanted to but. I can't live a life that long. I'm sorry Thomas"

"'s okay. I understand"

"I'm so sorry, but I can't marry you"

"I understand, go peacefully I couldn't bare to keep you alive unhappily"

"you're a good boy Thomas, you'll make someone very happy she's a lucky girl... whoever she is" she says 

by sunrise she was dead. 

And Thomas once again barely left his room unable to end his tears, and at last the millennium it felt so long since this all began and I watched as things slowly became what I knew, I even got to see ava and oliver meeting all there late night calls and constant chats until he moved into the house and the two engaged I even got to see their wedding from another view seeing myself there and seeing once again that look on thomas' face when he first saw me. all of our little moments all seeming so fast compared to what I had just witnessed so fast infact it felt like it was speeding up getting faster sand faster and faster until - 

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