Yoongi (Part 2)

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That night, the room was filled with a heavy dose of kerosene. As I watch the last memory of us fade into ashes, I laid down and closed my eyes for the last time recalling the memories we had from the very beginning till the end.

The feeling of betrayal was unbearable.

I was used; used for my money because I could provide you with the things your parents could not. Watching you walk away with the Million dollar bucket bag I had given you for our first anniversary, the fire engulfed me and made me theirs.

The warmth that the fire gave me would never be the same as the one you made me feel. But at least - just at least - it took away the pain you had caused.

Soon, I wandered off into what seemed like the dark and empty space of loneliness. Unlike reality, dreaming felt carefree.

And so, I breathed for the last time.

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