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Hi this is my first posted Hogwarts fanfiction. I hope you enjoy! Please comment and leave a vote.

-July 31st, 12:00 am-

Severus screamed in pain as it was time for the baby to arrive. "Alright. Mr. Riddle just one more hard push." said the Healer right in front of Severus's open legs. "We can see the head."

"Come on, Dear. You got this." said Tom holding Severus's hand

"I swear to fucking god I will chop off your dick and serve it to you for dinner."

Tom paled and gave Severus a reassuring smile. "Just listen to the Healer. One more push and then it's done with."

"I can't. I'm too tired."

"Yes, you can."

"No. No. I'm done."

"Severus please. It will be done when the baby is out of you."

"No it won't. I will still have to take care of it."

"You also have me to do that too."

"Mr. Riddle. Push now." Severus let out another scream of pain and squeezed Tom's hand a little too hard causing Tom to wince in pain. "Alright. One more push." Severus then put all of his might and little bit of his energy into the last push. Then screams of a new born baby could have been heard miles away. "Would you like your child?"

"Yes, please." Severus was handed a baby boy wrapped in blue blankets. Tom had tears of joy running down his face. The baby boy had black toughs of hair on his little head and pale skin that came from his mother. They were cooing over the baby until he opened his eyes and they gasped.

"He has your eyes, Tom." Whispered Severus rubbing his finger over his cheek.

Tom smiled through the tears that were rolling down his face. "I couldn't be any more proud of you, my love."

"What should we name him?" asked Severus

"Damian?" asked Tom

"I love it. Middle name?" 


"Perfect. Would you like to hold your son?"

"Of course." Tom gently took the baby from Severus's arms and smiled. "You look just like me and your mama, don't you?"

"Sirs?" asked the nurse walking into the room.


"I am going to be your nurse and it looks like the mother could use some rest. Could I take the child and put him in the crib?"

"No thank you. I think I have it under control." Said Tom walking over to the crib that was a few meters away from Severus's bed.

"Alright. If you need anything my name is Jessica."

"Thank you, Jessica." Severus said while smiling as he watched Tom put Damian into his crib and kiss him on his head. "I think I am going to go to sleep now."

"You should probably do that, love."

"Mm okay." Severus felt his eyes get heavy and close.

"I am going to put you in your crib while I find some water for me and your mum when she wakes up." Tom gently put Damian down in his crib and smiled as he drifted off into dreamless sleep. Tom walked out of the room and saw a stand where there were crisps and drinks. Tom took out a small bag of Gallons and walked over.He looked around until he picked up 2 crisp bags and 2 bottles of water. Tom then handed the clerk 5 gallons and walked away. Right after Tom handed the clerk the gallons, and right as he turned around he saw red flashing lights and Auror's rushing into Severus's hospital room with their wands raised. Tom ran into the room and saw a figure right in front of the window.

"Sir, put down the child." said one of Auror

"This has to happen. It's fate." said the mysterious man

"Put down the child and we can talk about this calmly."

"I'm sorry." Then a crack and he's gone.Tom fell to his knees and saw the Auror's rushing around the whole place.

"Who would want to take your child, Mr. Riddle?"

"Mr. Riddle. Who wanted to hurt you the most?"

"Did anyone want to get revenge on you?"

"Albus Dumbledore." Tom walked over to his Husband and saw that he had tears going down his face.

"Tom. Where is Damian?" asked Severus

"I will find him."

"No.No." Severus repeated and started to sob. Tom sat on the bed and held his husband as he wept. Tom looked at the head Auror who was in the room.

"You better find my damn son or I will be pressing charges against Albus Dumbledore."

"Yes. Mr.Riddle. We will do our very best to-"

"You better step up your game or I will."

"We will get to it right now."

Tom smirked. "Good." The Head Auror rushed out of the room and Severus looked up from Tom's chest.

"W-why would someone do this to us?"

"I'll tell you the same thing I told the Auror. Albus Fucking Dumbledore."

Tell me if you like this please! I am very self-conscious about my writing. Have a good day!

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