Jamie arrived home to his parents shouting around happily, when they both saw him they shouted they both received calls to go to high paying jobs that they always wanted and knew they would be good at them both.

His dad bought a lottery ticket to celebrate and they won 1 million pounds. Which meant they could fix the holes in the house and buy him new clothes and make lovely hot meals everyday.

Jamie was so happy! Everything on his piece of paper came true.

Jamie had lived a very good life, a great education leading to a fantastic well paying job that he enjoyed very much. He owned a big house with his wife and children. They never wanted for anything. He would donate to his local soup kitchens and food banks every month, because he knew the families that went there needed it.
Jamie remembered who to thank for his good life and his promise to Leppy. He went to his desk in his private study and took out the rainbow catcher. Finding a soup kitchen and a kid that needed it just like he once did and passed it on to them.

The end.

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