The rainbow catcher

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When Jamie got home he ran straight to his room to assess the drawing and the device's similarities, he couldn't believe it. They were identical. Now all he had to do was wait for a rainbow.

It took weeks for another to appear, Jamie waited everyday eagerly determined he would get to the rainbow and saw his family from their poor life.
Thankfully autumn had come the time of year where it rained almost all the time, one Saturday when Jamie was in his home watching the rain slow down, he spotted the sun coming out of the clouds and as it did the rainbow he had been waiting weeks for was finally there.

He grabbed the device and his coat and ran out to his bike, since Jamie had lots of time to play with the rainbow catcher he knew how to use it when the time came. Now was the time. He switched it on and pointed it at the rainbow, the closest end calculated and the direction set, he put it in his bikes basket and started cycling as fast as he could the way it led him.
Past all the houses, the lake and through the lane with all the trees around it. Past the sheep in the field and along a long muddy track, Jamie was excited and nervous, but that didn't stop him.
By the time he got to an open massive field with a single tree in the middle, his device told him he was there. He got off his bike and walked with it slowly out into the field.
"Hello?" He called as he came near the tree, looking round he couldn't see anything magical just regular fields, trees and hedges.
"Hey there!" Said a voice behind him,
Jamie jumped around frightened, he saw a little man leaning against the trunk, a strange man all dressed in green with a beard and a pipe.
"You're him, the leprechaun guarding the pot of gold. Aren't you?"
"Aye, that be me!" Said the leprechaun in a strong Irish accent, "names Leppy, nice ta meet ya. How did ya find the end ter the rainbow?"
"Nice to meet you too, and I found it with this," Jamie held the rainbow catcher out.
"Aye, I thought so, rarely seen a kid without that catcher." Leppy eyed it thoughtfully.
"You've seen this before? Where?"
"Aye, a kid named Carl many years ago now, got it off a stranger he said, that stranger I met as well, when they was a kid had the exact same catcher. Passed on for years an' I met every kid with the catcher every time."
"Where did it come from? I made a drawing that looked exactly like it without ever seeing it." Said Jamie
"I made it," said Leppy grinning, "I made it for a child who needed it and left a note to pass it on ter the next kid who needed it. As for yer making a drawing of it before knowing it, probably meant you were destined to have it."
Jamie was shocked but felt special in that moment this was exactly what he was destined to do. Find the end of a rainbow.

The boy and the leprechaun Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora