The plan

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Jamie drew, drew and drew any and all ideas that came to him to get to the end of a rainbow. His fastest way of travel was his trusty rusty old bike, that was his hope to get to the rainbows end in time, they didn't last very long you see. Jamie was too young to drive he was only 8 years old.

His dad thought him silly chasing rainbows but never said anything it was better his son had hopes of getting away from being poor, he thought maybe one day his son would invent something that would change his future and get him into a good education, a good life.

He was so determined that his whole room was covered in paper that he'd taken from school, each and every piece etched with ideas and calculations, the prized drawing blue tacked to his wall, was of a machine that could track the rainbows end even when it disappeared, because he knew rainbows looked invisible when you were close enough to them.

The only problem was he had no means and no idea of how to make this machine, he was at a loss, stuck on this one idea that could change his life forever.

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