Começar do início

Aswi went down to help pori's mother

After few hours

The haldi started

All started to apply haldi on Pori face

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All started to apply haldi on Pori face

Next it was ranju turned

Pori applied haldi on ranju

Pori: if we apply haldi then marriage soon will happen

Ranju: thank you nice idea

She took some haldi and went to abhi

Ranju: abhi take this ( sharing the haldi)

Abhi: why ?

Ranju : Pori said if we apply haldi on someone face soon there marriage will take place

Abhi: are so excited to get married ( widening eyes)

Ranju: not me it's aswi

Abhi understood what she told

Both went near aswi hidding there hands they came close to her both applied haldi on her both cheecks
Aswi was shocked by this

Abhi and ranju: don't feel sad it's haldi
( Shouted )

Just then some applied haldi on abhi and ranju cheecks

They turned to find chinnu

Chinnu : don't feel bad it's haldi ( giggling)

Abhi ranju and aswi ran behind her to pout haldi to her and successed in it.

After that trio danced for there bestie

All enjoy it finally haldi was over

All packing there thing because they had for the marriage hall

After few hours of  journey they all ready

At night the reception was started all enjoying it

All entered

Then Pori and mahir entered

The reception was going well

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The reception was going well

Aswi and ranju were busy in talking with each other. Chinnu was with some guest
Abhi was with his friends

Just a girl entered with evil smile in her face. One of abhi friends see this and ran to inform abhi

Boy : abhi....abhi

Abhi: Rohan what happened ( interested someone to bring water )

Rohan: abhi sanvi had came( breathing )

Abhi was horrified by this

Just he saw sanvi entering. He quickly hidded his face started to hid from just then he collide with aswi

Aswi: why are so scared

Ranju: i think he saw his own face

Both giggled

Abhi had no time to argue with them he again saw sanvi he quickly dragged aswi to centre and informed his friends change the surrounding to dance mood
Just then song was played aswi was not shocked by this because she knew about abhi

Aswi: who is sanvi? ( Teasingly)

Abhi: she is papa business friend daughter ( hidding his face and dancing)

Aswi: why are so scared of her

Abhi: i am not scared i don't like her

Aswi: y she is beautiful and cute

Abhi: yeah but i don't feel anything for her

The dance continued

Just then shiva entered

Shiva was searching for his new friends and aswi just then he saw ranju he smiled and went there

Shiva: hi ranju ( smiling)

Shiva: hi ranju ( smiling)

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Ranju: hi shiva

Shiva: hope don't mind if i call you ranju ( smiling)

Ranju: not at all

Shiva,: where are others?

Ranju: chinnu is with Pori and aswi abhi is there

Showed towards dancing couple

Shiva turned after seeing abhi and aswi together smiling and dancing

He felt like some what hurt and sad

Ranju observe his changed expression

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Ranju observe his changed expression

Ranju( thought):my guess was right he loves aswi so only he is feeling jealous

Shiva( thought): why i am feeling like this

Is this jealous ?

What is your opinion is Shiva really jealous
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Take care

WINGS OF LOVE 💞♥️💕Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora