The Escaped

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[This was just too good not to make into a new book]
Cold. You were so cold.

Your body shook as you stumbled through the woods. Clutching your stomach as your tired legs fought to keep going.

You had just escaped the red army base, a place you once thought of as an oasis. Now turned living nightmare. Friends made along the way, gone in an instant, as enemies broke through. Well, not all.

The only reason you were able to escape was because of Tom. Underneath his devotion and dedication to Red Leader hid a man with a burning hatred for the tyrant. His anger being coded away long ago, forced into submission.

Somehow, someway Tom had been able bypass the system, fiercely grabbing your arm and shoving you into an air duct as you ran through an empty hallway, sirens blaring above. The action startling you before he had placed a warm hand over your mouth.

"Listen closely. Far into the woods lay a bunker. An old mate of mine stays there for the time being. Go and find it. Don't look back and don't come back."

He removed his hand from your face, moving it onto your shoulder and giving it a tight squeeze.

"I'm sorry I can't go with you. I-" he huffed, a small stream of tears coming from underneath his goggles.

Now it was your turn to place your hand on his face, wiping the tears away in astonishment.

"I thought you couldn't cry? The receptors were supposed to block your real eyes from working.."

"Heh, guess I'm just chalked full of surprises now."

You both stared at each other, sadness plaguing your features as his hand tightened around your shoulder.

After a while, absorbed in silence, Tom finally spoke.

"I'll get in contact with you in a few days. Somehow, it will happen. Until then, be safe"

And that was the last thing you heard from him before being shoved into the darkness of the duct.

After crawling around for what seemed like an hour, you had finally made it to the outside of the base. Unscrewing the bolts was a tedious task, but once they were gone you bolted.

Now here you were, no jacket and no boots, trudging through feet of snow. Looking for a bunker, but not really know what exactly to look for.

Was the bunker hidden? Was it underneath a fallen tree? Or was it disguised as a normal looking house that needed repair?

You didn't know. Tom had given you nothing more than the knowledge of said bunker housing an 'old friend', who you didn't even know the identity of.

You couldn't blame him for the lack of information though, he was trying to get you away from the base as fast as possible so a long explanation would be entirely out of question. You just wished he would've come with you instead of leave you by yourself.

Hours seemed to pass, with no luck of finding anything. Your fingers and toes were turning blue and your vision began growing fuzzy. Legs numb but still going as your lungs screamed from the bitter chill.

The sun was close to setting as a blanket of blues and purple plague the sky above. Snow falling blissfully around you.

Fatigue finally catching in your body and legs, you fall into the snow. Your eyes fighting to stay open, but sleep overall winning.

Before your eyes finally fell, a pair of fuzzy grey paws landed in-front of you, followed by a set of boots.

When you woke up, your body felt many things. First feeling an ever enjoyable warmth of a blanket and soft mattress snuggling your most likely bruised body. The second was a stiffness wrapping around your abdomen. Lastly was an unexplained weight on your chest.

🔫FutureEdd x reader🔫Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora