The Adventurers

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Dahlia cleaned, arranged the capes in order of size, and organized the books to the way she preferred.

As she continued she saw the healing kit, the book with herbs and healing recipes, balms, ointments. She continued picking up her finds and found a satchel to put them in. Dahlia felt a spark of inspiration as she picked up extra bandages, a few crushed herbs, a mortar and pestle, a flask of water, and a flask of her special brew.

These were the tools for one person.

She never knew how she knew. It was as much of a mystery to her as others. Somehow in the preparation for the arrival she knew.

Even in creating some of her tools she saved them. Knowing that she would recognize the specific adventure they belonged to.

Dahlia put the satchel behind the counter and grabbed the rag to clean the spotless bar again. Impatient for her new arrivals.

She looked up as the door opened.

Eager new adventure's wandered in. Looking around and hesitant to touch anything, but from the looks on their faces they hoped they could. Curious, with wide-eyes, childlike in their questions to each other. Words barely understood from their whispers. They watched her, but would not approach still seeming to be shy to come to ask her the questions they all wanted to know.

Dahlia smirked as she tried to look busy cleaning so the new adventures felt looking around without her ever watchful eyes on them. Though they would not know she still watched curious at what they might find.

One explored the shelf of various objects. To her he seemed clever, but rather than serious was a prankster at heart. Objects used no doubt on the journey and theirs found their way into his hands. Considering the time taken reading each description this individual also hid an intelligence of the mind the others did not know. Evident in how he looked from the items to his companions as if not wanting to be caught.

One stayed with the basic items. He was clearly someone with a heart to provide and care for others. Looking over the cast iron pots and pans; the blankets, ropes, and spices. He slowly picked each one with care. Dahlia appreciated who cared for their tools as much as she did. He continued to add items to his arms. She laughed as he slowly lost the items, one by one down the aisle behind him. As he noticed he made the first loud noise out of the quiet bunch.

This seemed to spark courage in the young girl, probably nine years younger than Dahlia, to walk up to the counter.

Placing her hands on the bar, she demanded, "I want a weapon."

"What kind?"

"I don't know. Whatever works for me." The young lady shrugged.

Dahlia smiled, knowing what to give this young adventurer before her.

"This is the only weapon you will ever need." Dahlia told her as the backpack hit with a klunk against the bar top.

The young lady gave a puzzled look, but after a nod from Dahlia, began exploring the contents.

"What is this? I don't want this." The young lady said pushing the satchel across the bar as the healer's kit, books, and elixir's trembled out.

"Then take this." Dahlia replied, handing over a broad sword.

The girl dropped it as soon as it was handed to her.

One of her friends came and picked it up, "Is this yours?"

"No." The young lady huffed.

"Can I have it?" she asked.

Dahlia nodded as the young lady stewed.

"Why couldn't I hold it? It was heavy and felt icy.

"It was not meant for you. You knew, so did the sword. Maybe one day it will be also, but for now it is not the tool for you."

"So books and healing is?"

"Not just healing, though that is a part of it. There are also potions, elixirs, and spells you can learn. Knowledge is your tool. Everything you need in there to start. All the tools you need. I may add tools to what you already have, if you learn to use the tools I gave you. Everyone has different tools that fit them at a certain time. When we pick up the right ones, start and learn them we can slowly learn more along the way. Some tools though are better for us to start our journey. The ones that impact us and help all the rest of the tools fall into place." Dahlia realized her passion in her passion over the tools in her shop she had trapped this new adventurer with her long winded speech.

"Good luck on your quest!" Dahlia said as the young lady packed the supplies back in the satchel with more reverence than before.

"Thank you," The young lady replied, packing up the book that had fallen out last, leaving it out from the satchel.

After placing the satchel strap over her shoulder she picked up the book and began reading as the rest of the counterparts continued to find their items.

After a while all the adventurers had brought their items and placed them on the bar.

"A drink on the house in celebration of your first quest!" Dahlia cheered, which was followed by the group's cheers and thanks.

As they all drank the brew, Dahlia looked at the tools and each person. Assessing if the tool did in fact belong to the adventurer.

After removing a few unnecessary items and adding a few more to the various group members, Dalia brought attention to the matter at hand: payment.

"Oh, uh, well, Aster said he would pay for everything now and we would pay him at the end of the quest." One finally spoke up as they all sheepishly looked at the ground.

"I will take you at your word, but verify with Aster when he comes for his supplies. Enjoy your quest! Good luck and please come back again!"

The group gathered their new belongings, making their way to the door as they said their farewells.

Dahlia always loved seeing new adventurers off on their first venture. She loved providing the tools to help them learn and succeed on the journey.

Something so simple as the right tool could make the journey all the better.

And she was so glad she was the one who found the right tool for the right adventurer.

Now to talk to Aster about the bill.

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