On the Journey

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Various groups seemed to form as Dahlia looked around she could tell who was closer at the natural ways they formed.

The ones who had adventured more than once together and knew each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Instead of joining any group Dahlia stayed by herself, listening to moments of each group's conversations. It made her happy, even if she wasn't directly involved, listening to the others was enough.

Being around others she knew, listening, it filled the emptiness, a silence that Dahlia had felt when her patrons left her shop.

"How are you doing?" Aster asked, handing her a flask of water.

"My feet hurt, but the smell of the woods is nice and listening to everyone has been wonderful." she replied.

"I agree. It feels like a reunion if our purpose were less dire it would be more fun." Riskar added behind them.

"It can be fun even if our purpose in venturing is a serious one." Hazel commented. "Do not expect any journey to be one thought, feeling, or consistent circumstance. Our journeys can be negative or the reason we start, but we must remove our focus from that negativity. Rather focus on the moments like this. Moments we are content and thankful. Something so simple and so small can make a difference in the overall adventure."

Dahlia felt a smile come across her face. Hazel was right, focusing on what she could not change would make the journey worse.

She looked around, took a deep breath of the forest, listening to the voices that disturbed the silence in the most welcoming way.

This is what she should keep her focus on. Even if her fate was sealed or they retrieved the stone it was moments like this that made her life, for whatever she had left, worth it.

"We are about to enter town." Borg bellowed out to the whole group, "Keep together in smaller groups. Get what you need and we will meet at the South entrance. We will make camp in the southern woods. If anyone asks you your business in town be vague. We do not want any others to be aware of the moonstone."

"We are adventurers,"Xaxol commented, "We are used to being vague."

Everyone laughed and Dahlia giggled. For whatever their differences in thought of her coming along, all of her comrades were sure to keep her safe.

All that was left now was to explore!


The town was alive, full of bright colors, sounds of people going through the routine of their daily lives, and the smells of spices and foods being made.

It was alive, chaos yet had an organized rhythm. Louder than the quiet hamlet Dahlia knew.

Instead of blimping in and out of the exact place she needed to be, for the first time she was walking through and experiencing it all.

It was not about a destination, this time it was about the journey and she was taking it all in.

"What do you think?" Riskar asked, coming alongside her.

"It is incredible. I have never experienced anything so loud and chaotically wonderful. It feels like life is all around me."

"Well don't experience today without experiencing it all. Try the food." Riskar prompted paying for an unusual bright colored dish made by a skilled artisan.

"Riskar! Hazel needs your assistance." Borg yelled across the way.

Dahlia laughed, "So much for not drawing attention to ourselves."

"Like Xaxol said, we are adventurers. They would notice us anyway." Riskar joined Dahlia's laughter, "I'll be back" he added walking toward Borg who motioned to where Hazel was supposedly waiting.

Dahlia walked by herself looking at what the vendors had to offer and observing the people around her. In awe of everything she had never experienced before. It was beautiful.

"You should really take a souvenir with you." Aster came up and whispered in her ear.

Dahlia gave a startled scream and jumped as Aster chuckled.

"I was startled because I was so enthralled with everything around me. I wasn't expecting anyone to sneak up behind me." Dahlia stated, slightly frustrated, he would take her out of her dream-like experience. Though only slightly.

"I noticed. Have you found any souvenir of your first town you have explored?"

"Not yet. I have just been observing everything. There is so much to see and explore."

"Well I have something for you then." He said handing her a scarf, "This is made of the most comfortable material you will ever feel."

Dahlia took the scarf from Aster, noting the mixed vibrant colors and how soft it was against her hands.

"Thank you! This is the perfect souvenir. We should pay for it though before we leave. Where did you get it?"

"From a vendor a few stalls down. I already bought it for you. It is a gift."

Dahlia felt her cheeks heat up with a blush, unsure how to accept the gift. Gifts were not things that she usually ever was given.

"Thank you. I love it. Really, this means so much. Thank you Aster." Dahlia smiled, feeling happy that she was able to experience this town with someone she cared about.

Aster looked at her in awe as a new side of her he had not seen before emerged. A side that was not sure of herself or certain. Dahlia always had a wall that never let anyone close, but for the first time it seemed as if the wall was down.

"We should find the others." Dahlia said, pulling her gaze away from Aster's. "Do you know when we were supposed to meet?"

"No, was there anything you needed before we go?"

"I think just snacks for the journey. I didn't really pack any provisions."

"Then let's go find some snacks!" He said, offering his arm.

Dahlia took his hand instead, "Let's go!" 

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