Fight 1 - Released

Start from the beginning

"I need a bus ticket to the train station." My voice was monotone as I spoke.

"That will be ten dollars." His voice also monotone.

I held out a twenty and he took it without even looking up at me. He finally looks up at me as he hands me my change and my ticket.

"Well hey baby. What's a young thing like you doing out here by yourself?" He tried to give me what I assume is a charming smile that or seductive. I'm not sure what he is going for but it's really off putting.

I just scoffed, "Yeah right. Not gonna happen." I grabbed my change and ticket from his grubby hand.

The train is scheduled to arrive in about twenty minutes so I walk over to an outlet and plug my phone in so it would charge.

[Skip bus and train ride to when she arrives at the house]

I stood at the top of the driveway to my mother's house. There were three cars parked. Oh great more people are here just what I want after a nine hour trip of riding with annoying people and walking.

As I stared at the house I couldn't help the way my stomach twisted with anticipation. I breathed out a deep breath that I had been holding for the past minute that I've been standing here. Adjusting my bag I walked up to the front door with a blank look on my face.

I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

"Doors open just come on in." A girls voice called from inside.

Hesitantly I opened the door and made my way inside.

"Cyrus! Cyrus! You're here fina-" The little girl came running around the corner but cut herself off when she saw me. "You're not Cyrus." She spoke cautiously before turning around and running back to where she came from while she yelled you to someone else. "Mari! It wasn't Cyrus at the door!"

I followed the girl towards the kitchen.

"What, then who is it?" I heard the sound of chairs scrapping the floor. I turned the corner into the kitchen.

"I don't know but she looks familiar." The girl who I now realize is Willow told the blond who was standing in front of her.

None of them had seem me yet so I just looked at them all. There were six people that occupied the kitchen; four guys and two girls.

A guy sat at the table with a buzz cut but you could tell he had blond hair. His eyes a dark brown and his skin sun kissed. Since he was sitting I couldn't tell how tall he is but I would guess 5'11, from looking at his muscular build and where his chest came to at the table.

Sitting at the table with him was a guy with light brown hair in the style of a quiff. His eyes emerald green and tan skin. He too had a muscular build but sat taller than the first guy, I would say he stands at six feet.

Standing and leaning against the kitchen counter with a glass of water was a guy who has dark brown hair in a quiff. Eyes that appear to be different shades of blue. He was slouching a bit but if he stood to his full height he would come to about 6'3 possibly. His skin tan and golden from the sun. The black shirt he's wearing you can see that he has washboard abs and well defined arms.

The last guy sat at the kitchen counter on a stool. His hair shaggy and falling into his grey eyes. I could tell from his stature that he comes to 6'1 when standing and he too blessed with tan skin. You could clearly see the muscle in his arms as they supported his weight as he leans forward.

All of the guys look to be 17.

Then the blond whose hair falls to her shoulders. Who has inviting dark blue eyes, skin so tan it's like smooth caramel. Her height only 5'4. Maribelle Lynnette Dawn. My twin sister.

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