Chapter 20

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Dewana Dwipayana
Part 20

Yes, Gayatri and I decided to separate. The opportunity was used by Mr. Sam so that he could take more opportunities to get my time.

Honestly, I feel disgusted with Gayatri's father's deviant habits. Almost every week, he always asked me to come to his house. After that, not far away, definitely asking for same-sex intercourse.

One thing that I often refuse, I never want to play the role of a woman alias accept to be sodomized. It really hurts. Because I've tried it by inserting just one finger, it feels a bit different. Not bad taste, but extreme disgust.

Until one day, without the knowledge of Gayatri or Mr. Sam himself, I was secretly in a relationship with one of my college friends. Her name is Gina. A smooth-skinned woman with a beautiful and charming appearance and her height is above Gayatri's.

I deliberately decided to have an affair, so that my sexual orientation would not deviate from Mr. Sam's. So, can I have intercourse with Gina?

At first, our relationship was somewhat ordinary. There are no intrigues in the sexual direction. Meet and chat casually while discussing lecture issues. Besides that, this woman is also none other than my own senior sister. We got to know each other when we attended the opek event first.

The story is, after following the last outbound schedule, I was in a hurry to clean myself up. Shower and change clothes as usual and get ready to go home. But suddenly, Gina appeared from another direction. We almost collided if we didn't brake quickly.

"Duh, sorry, Sis," I said, still bare-chested and only wearing shorts above the knee.

For a moment Gina looked like she was about to get angry, but her eyes stared at this body for a split second. His face suddenly blushed and blushed. Until then just walked away without saying a word.

'Weird girl,' I said as soon as Gina's figure disappeared from view.

Then a few days after that incident, I met Gina again in the cafeteria. He seemed to be sitting alone while enjoying the food he ordered earlier.

"Can I sit here, sis?" I asked for permission before finally joining together at a table. Gina obliges and at first glance seems clumsy or awry as she sits across from each other. "Are you alone? Are your friends not eating with you?" I added casually questioning things that really weren't that important.

"Still in class," he answered short without wanting to meet my eyes.

"Oohh, then I won't disturb you, come sit here, okay sis?" I said a little teasingly.

"Go ahead. Besides, this is a public space and it's free," he said again while sipping his drink. "Oh, yeah... you're the new kid, huh?"

"Yes, Sis," I said, "that time in the men's room almost collided, Sis."

Gina smiled wryly.

"My name is Johan, Sis," I added introducing myself. Immediately greeted the woman by saying her own name. "I'm Gina. A student at the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics. What major are you taking yourself?"

"Same as you," I replied, smiling at him. Gina replied.

From that introduction, the following days the two of us saw each other more often. In fact, not infrequently, giving each other an appointment to meet in the cafeteria.

"Will there be an event tonight, sis?" I asked starting the first step.

"Nothing," Gina replied hopefully. "Are you going to take me for a walk?"

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