Chapter 16

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Dewana Dwipayana
Chapter 16

After taking a bath together that afternoon, I rushed to see Gayatri on a whim to discuss her plans to study abroad, as mentioned by Mr. Sam earlier.

"What is it?" asked Gayatri looking fresh and beautiful, appearing from behind the room as soon as I knocked earlier.

"Where's my mother?" I pretended to ask Mother while peeking into the room.

"Washing," Gayatri replied. "Come on in, come on," he said. But I refused because it felt bad to enter their room. "Where's my papa, Jo?" Again the girl asked.

"In the room. Playing on the laptop. Taking care of work if I'm not mistaken," I lied. Even though Mr. Sam was engrossed in lying down while playing on his cell phone. "Let's get out, Tri. Go for a walk or something, grandpa."

Gayatri raised her eyebrows. A grin suddenly appeared on the girl's face. "Now?" he asked with a smile of his own.

"Yeah" I said short and immediately agreed by Gayatri. "Wait a minute, I'll tell your mother first. I'm afraid you'll find out if I don't talk."

I smile. It's great to see Gayatri willing to get along with Mom.

After the girl reappeared in the doorway, we rushed to the elevator to go down to the ground floor. To be exact in the lobby. There they continued to sit together and talk.

"Yes, that's right," said Gayatri when I asked about her plans to continue her education after graduating now. "I want to continue studying, but not here, but in America. Why? Do you want to come?" he asked with a serious expression.

Suddenly I smiled, then shook my head. "Ah, no. I'm even confused now," I said, holding myself back from being frank about my desire to go to college too.

"Confused? How come, even confused? Don't you want to continue your studies too, Jo?" asked Gayatri in surprise.

I answered slowly, "I really want to. But... I'm confused, Tri, will my mother be able to pay for my college later? The problem is—"

"Why be confused?" Gayatri retorts quickly. "Hasn't my dad told you? Dad too, right, you want to go to college like me too."

"Oh, really?" I am surprised. So far, Sam hasn't talked about it. Except for Gayatri's plan to study abroad. That is it. "Mr. Sam didn't say anything, really," I added.

Gayatri throws me a sweet smile. "I asked Papa myself, Jo," said the girl. "I want you to continue studying. After graduation, we will prepare other plans regarding our relationship."

"You mean... married?" I asked, guessing.

Gayatri nods.

Marry? Is it true that the girl will survive this relationship to the next level of marriage?

Ah, even trying to love Gayatri still feels difficult until now. Especially when he and I get married. Can I live with a woman I never even wanted? But if I'm being honest now, that would be tantamount to suicide. I will lose the main funding support to achieve my goals.

Our conversation was stopped, because Mr. Sam invited us to dinner via phone call.

"Tomorrow at eight, let's continue our conversation, Jo," Gayatri asked before leaving the lobby. "There's still something else I want to tell you."

"About what?" I asked curiously.

"We'll continue later," Gayatri replied while grabbing my arm. He pulls, invites me to walk side by side to the elevator.

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