Chapter 8

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Dewana Dwipayana
Part 8

"Ouch, you crazy bastard!" Gayatri exclaimed still hiding her face behind her fingers. "Why pee so carelessly? It's like there's no other place!"

I hastily put this male weapon back into the cage. Even though it wasn't completely finished removing the contents of the bladder as a whole. As a result, there are a few drops that still come out and wet the cloth of these pants.

"What are you doing here anyway? You already know this is a quiet place," I grumbled as I drew closer. "You peeked on purpose, huh?"

"No, no! Oh, just accuse people!" elak Gayatri slowly turning around while lowering her hands. "It's safe, right?" he asked, looking hesitant to look at me.

I even chuckled at the attitude of this one girl. "What's safe, Non? My bird?" My cecarku meant to joke with her. "Or do you want to see it on purpose? I'll give it to you for free. Hahaha!"

"Ouch, crazy!" Gayatri cursed back, but her eyes glanced down. Precisely, perhaps, to the way my pants bulged forward. Understandably, the residual effect of wanting to pee earlier still makes my genitals tense up. Slightly tracing is pressed by the cloth of the uniform's trousers to its original size.

The girl's face was slightly red. Embarrassed? It could be. But strangely, instead of avoiding or walking away, what was there instead remained standing where it was.

"You're the new kid, huh?" I asked casually. "Moving from where?"

Gayatri nods. "Yes, from Surabaya," he answered briefly.

"Oohhh... Surabaya. It's quite far, isn't it?" I said back actually confused what to start the conversation to familiarize him. "Why did you move here? Weren't there a shortage of schools there?" This nosy nature began to recur. Understandably, it's common to hang out with friends whose contents are all in their heads.

Gayatri answered, still shy, "I'm moving with Papa to this city. Like it or not, yes... you have to move schools too."

Occasionally I often catch the direction of the girl's eyes fixed downwards. The direction of my front pants. At first I thought, could it be because the wet urine from earlier still looks and is attractive to him? It's a bit uncomfortable, but for the time being I'll just ignore it and focus on our conversation.

If you pay attention, this Gayatri is cute too. Even though her skin is not as white as Cindy and Maria's, her attractiveness is quite strong. Especially with the shape of his chest that looks rounded. It's okay for a girl of the same age as her.

Ah, why should I even think that way? After all, Gayatri is not my ideal type at all.

To be honest, I prefer girls who are white or yellowish, just like girls from France. On average, their bodies are smooth down to the groin area and the inside of their intimate organs is reddish. Uh, very appetizing. That's just an illustration, like the adult films from that country that I often watch.

"Then what are you doing here? Instead of going to the canteen, Grandpa, eating with your new girl friends," I said casually. Confused about what topic to discuss, please?

From our conversation at that time, it was revealed that Gayatri was a girl who found it difficult to get along easily, was a bit shy, and didn't like crowds. introvert? Possible. Something like that. That's why he prefers a secluded and quiet place like this.

Unexpectedly, our very ordinary meeting and introduction at that time, continued into the following days. Gayatri often invites me to buy food in the canteen, wraps it up, then takes it to a quiet place like before to be enjoyed alone. Strange? Actually no. That's why it's not surprising, because often we are together, even my classmates think that he and I are dating.

Frankly speaking, thanks to my close relationship with Gayatri, the problem of pocket money which was often difficult for me to have, is no longer a problem. Why? The girl who often gives treats. You know, his father is a rich man.

Slowly but surely, kindness for goodness sake Gayatri is increasingly giving me big benefits. Starting from just snacks or pocket money earlier, the girl even offered to help with school fees until we graduated later.

Crazy isn't it? Even though it was clear that our relationship was limited to just friends. There is no romance or the word courtship is officially spoken. But Gayatri's sincerity to spread goodness, as a child from a lower middle class family, I'm even grateful.

"I once talked to your mother, Johan," Gayatri said once, "and since then, I have taken the initiative to help. Especially for your school fees."

Hhmmm, so for that he forced me to play and find out where my family lives.

"Maybe he likes you, Jo," said my mother, who has been a widow since I was in elementary school. "But what's wrong with accepting Non Gayatri's offer. 'Well, it can lighten Mother's burden to find your school fees, Jo," Mother added, making it more difficult for me to make a choice to refuse.

As a man, I obviously feel ashamed and proud. Why is school paid for by friends? Where are the girls too? But imagining Mother's sacrifice, who was willing to become a laundry worker around the rented complex, inevitably, Gayatri's offer was forced to be accepted.

"But you have to make a promise, Gayatri. Don't let anyone find out, if I go to school it's paid for by you," I said emphatically.

Gayatri agrees. "After all, it was my father, Johan, who paid for it. I've already spoken to Papa, and it was agreed," he said later.

"Your daddy?" I was surprised because it turned out that Gayatri's father already knew about it. Even though we've never met. "Duh, how come I'm getting more embarrassed, here."

Gayatri laughs, but that doesn't mean she's laughing. For him, the money he was about to spend to finance my school means nothing. "That's my own savings, Johan. So don't worry, you don't feel anything for my father. He's a good person, really. The most important thing is that I'm happy with what I did for you."

On second thought what was wrong with accepting and giving Gayatri a chance to help me. After all, in this matter, neither party was harmed. In fact, it's a huge advantage for me personally.

The question now is whether Gayatri really wants to help?

Well, a new problem arose. The offer given by Gayatri was not unconditional. Even though our closeness didn't have any status other than friendship, in fact the girl made a strange ban and seemed demanding. What is the request? Since then, I was not allowed to be close or intimate with any woman. Except for my own mother. In essence I was forbidden to have a boyfriend or lover.

Gayatri is interested or has a crush on me? In language and orally, he never uttered the sentence, which connotes establishing a special relationship. But literally, the girl's attitude clearly wanted us to have a relationship of our own.

Strange? Yes, that is so. It could be because I myself am reluctant to make him a lover. Because, Gayatri was not the ideal type of girl and I never loved her at all. Except for the affection for the kindness from him so far.

I'm sure and as sure as I can be, Gayatri always hopes that the word love comes from these lips. One hundred percent believe, if to express my interest in him, he will immediately accept. But I still don't want to do it. Because he never wanted to date Gayatri.

Until one day, the unexpected came. Gayatri says my papa wants to meet you Johan.

What? What for? should it? Don't you want to set me up with Gayatri?

Oh no! My life journey is still long. Getting married is a must, but it doesn't have to be done so quickly. Now still in school, next year wants to go to college. Should this ideal be cut short just because of a mere reciprocal affair?



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