Chapter 7

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Dewana Dwipayana
Part 7

"Eh, hey! What are you doing?" I asked surprised when this main male member was touched by someone. That sister. He only glanced for a moment and looked so wry with a part of his face covered by a cloth mask.

Halah, my daydream about our sex game, me and Gayatri, was broken last night. Back to witness the figure of a woman in an all-white uniform who was on duty to wash me.

"What do you think I am doing, sir?" he asked not like the first time we met before. Now he wants to answer questions. "Don't think I don't know what you were doing with Mother last night."

Overnight? Yes. we make love. It was the first time, since I met this woman. Not so interesting and satisfying. It even sucks, I think.

"So last night you peeked, huh?" my tease suddenly reappeared this fad habit.

The nurse didn't answer. But from his snort after I asked just now, it looks like he's cranky.

To be sure, due to the strokes of his hand on a special part down there, slowly my vitals stood up straight. Elongated and enlarged without being able to hold it.

"Hmmm," the nurse cleared, noticing the change in size of the signature object in her hand. He tried not to look at that one, but his task focus kept swirling around the area.

"Hey…." call me back to tease him. "Don't you intend to see mine? I'm getting aroused, you know. Hehe," I said pretending to sigh. "Aahhh, that's delicious, Sister. Especially if you want to help shake my testicles. Of course I'd be very happy."

He didn't move. Looking in another direction with a slightly different breath than before. This time even moving scrubbing further down. Precisely at the linkage of the two testicles.

"That part isn't good, Sus," I joked but still had other sensations that made my lust even more exciting. "Just try to hold that part of the stem. Keep clenching fists and pulling up and down continuously. Maybe I can have an orgasm."

The nurse remained unmoved. "You pervert!" he muttered slowly but still managed to hear clearly. "I have permission to clean your buttocks, sir. The thing is, Mrs. Gayatri said, last night your cloaca smelled of feces."

Spontaneously I laughed. "Ha ha ha!" This Sister is good at joking too. Unexpectedly, it turns out that 'the mute' can make me laugh out loud.

"I can't believe it if you don't kiss him, Sus. Try it. Hahaha!"

he clucked. Must be annoyed. After that, as usual, bathe me until it's finished.

"There is good news for you, sir," said the nurse before rushing off after tidying up everything I was wearing. "Maybe Mrs. Gayatri will be kind. You won't always be in this position, as long as you cooperate well."

"What do you mean?" I asked a little surprised.

"Soon you will know, sir," he answered half casually, then just walked out of this room.

Crazy! Freaks!

They come and go just like that. Especially Gayatri. That one woman just wanted to enter to simply channel her biological desires. Once satisfied, will come back out. Not long after, it was the Sister who was in charge of cleaning up our former games. Damn it!

In the past, when I first got to know Gayatri when we were both studying at senior high school (High School). At that time just entered the third grade.

A friend of mine named Clay said, "Jo, our school has a new student, you know."

"New student? That's a first year new student, isn't it? What's so strange?" I said cool.

"Uh, not a first grader, Jo. But a third grader," he added, explaining again. "He's a transfer student from another school."

"Then what's so special?" I asked feeling uninterested in the news. "Every time a new school begins, there are always transfer children."

Clay clucked angrily. "Just listen to me, Joe!" my friend called closer to his seat. "She's a girl. She's cute too. Looks like an orkay child."

"So? What's that got to do with me?" I swear I'm still not interested in knowing who the new student figure Clay was referring to. If it's just beautiful and rich, it's limited to Cindy or Maria too. They are both famous because their respective parents were famous businessmen. Naturally, his son is rich.

Unfortunately they are not in the mood to get close to me. Because of what? I'm not from an affluent family like them. Naturally, even though people said I was handsome, Cindy and Maria were reluctant to become my social circle.

"Well, you're cool, you have an athletic body, and you have enough capital to approach girls," said Clay, starting to promote. "You just try to get close to that new girl. Who knows, maybe she'll fall in love with you."

"Ooh!" I replied refusing. "I'm tired of approaching the girls of rich families. The only ones who are there are I who will be made a lackey for them. I don't want it!"

"Ah, you suck!" Clay snapped, seeming irritated by my apathy. "There's nothing wrong, right? Try it first. Who knows, this one is in a different class from Cindy or Maria."

I'm speechless. It's just too lazy to continue this low-quality chat so early. Until the bell rang, I didn't take Clay's conversation seriously.

So, it was in class that our first teacher introduced a new student. Girl. Maybe this is what Clay meant earlier. Physically pretty pretty, with exotic skin color.

"My name is … Gayatri," said the new girl when she introduced herself in front of the class.

It's a very classic name. Like the characters of legend stories in ancient times. Not as modern as Cindy, Maria, Zalwa, or a series of other strange names that are sometimes hard to spell.

At first I wasn't really interested in getting to know the girl better. Especially with her skin color which is not my dream type at all. Only one thing is interesting, when walking, Gayatri's body protrudes slightly forward. People say term it as 'humpback shrimp'.

Thankfully, his seat was a bit further up front. So there's no need for me to volunteer to introduce each other later. Even better if you don't even know.

It turned out to be a big mistake. Gayatri and I actually started meeting at events that were completely unexpected. Even embarrassing.

The story is like this, during recess I suddenly had the urge to urinate. Running from class to the toilet ends in vain. All the restrooms were closed aliases were filled. I don't know who and what activities are going on inside. If it's been a long time, someone is sure to poop and smoke.

Damn it! Stuck this bladder can no longer be held. I want to get rid of this urine as soon as possible. Even to the point of urging it, my pubic stem was also fully tense.

One way that can be taken to urinate is to run to the school grasshopper. There is a quiet place and it is usually used for smoking for children who like to be a little naughty. That's where my intention is directed.

Feeling safe, without looking left and right, I immediately took out this male trunk from my pants.

Seerr! Seerr! Seerr!

Wow, it's delicious and the sensation is similar to having a wet dream. Until my eyes closed deliciously and ended with a shivering body for a moment, as usual.

"Aaahh!" Someone's scream suddenly startled me.

I turned towards the origin of the voice just now and these eyes were immediately fixed on a girl's figure. That new kid. Who else if not Gayatri's name.

He turned his face in the opposite direction while covering it with his ten fingers.

"Hey!" I shouted annoyed.


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