Chapter 4

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Dewana Dwipayana
Part 4

I rolled my eyes to look for the surveillance camera that girl meant. But from where I am now, nothing can be seen up there. My movements are completely limited. Could he be lying? Just meant to bluff?

When he asked again and asked him to talk, the figure no longer wanted to reply. He returned silent like before and only focused on his task, wiping my whole body.

"Heh, where's the CCTV you meant earlier?" I asked trying again to ask him for words. I see absolutely nothing here. You must be lying, right? Pretending to say that this room is being watched by Gayatri, but you really don't want to be seduced by me, do you?

Because I didn't get a response, I finally tried to move my wrist. Rotate towards the waist to pull the shirt cloth covering my core genitals by pinching it using the index and middle fingers. Little by little succeeded even though they had to struggle, until finally...


The woman's hand reflex held back the movement of the cloth covering that was almost sagging. Then he glared at me with a ferocious gaze.

"Don't try to mess with me!" he said very slowly. "I don't want to get in trouble from Mrs. Gayatri because of you!"

I chuckled. It's funny to tease the figure of the woman. Just curious, want to also see how the real reaction of the face covered by the mask.

"Hahaha! I know, actually you also want to see mine, right? But you're afraid of being tempted." I chuckled to myself. Come on Sweetie. Just open it and enjoy while Gayatri is not in the room.

This time and so on, my words were completely unresponsive. Even when wearing shorts around my waist, his gaze deliberately turned the other way. Carefully and looking professional, he tried not to touch that one. Impressive.

"Then what if I pee later? You still will never see it at all?" I'm getting curious to see how it works. Very well trained, it seems.

"Relax," he replied casually. "I'm used to taking care of old men or even crazy people. So for a job like this, don't expect me to be consumed by your bragging like earlier."

Illegal bastard! He's so arrogant.

He added back, "My job is done. If you need help, you can press the button on the side of the bed. Right under your right hand. Excuse me."

"Heh! At least give me a nickname for you other than the 'Mute' name just now!" I said for the last time.

The female figure replied, "Just call me Sister." Then without further ado rushed out of this room.

Crazy! What kind of life am I going to lead now. Confined on the bed like a crazy person and shackled. Until when? Will it be in this position forever?

This room is quite spacious. Maybe about 6x6 square meters. Everything is painted all white and without a single window installed. There is only a small ventilation in the form of three boxes on the top of the wall. Large enough lighting lamps tucked in the four corners of the ceiling of the room. The rest is just a cooling machine or air conditioner, installed just above the doorway. There's nothing left. This bed also seems to be made specifically for holding and laying someone down. I? Yes, for me. Who knows.

Looks like Gayatri did prepare this for me. Carrying and locking up in this special room, like these clothes I'm wearing. Similar to baby clothes that can be removed easily. Along the side, it is enough to attach a few pieces of zipper as adhesive.



Ah, the sound of a door opening. Gayatri is coming? But from the footsteps that hit the floor, it doesn't seem like it. I know it very well. It looks like the footprints of a man's shoe.

"Hello, good evening …." who is someone with a deep and big voice.

"Who else are you?" I asked as soon as a man-shaped figure appeared closer. Dressed in white like the Sister before. Half of his face was also covered by a mask.

"I am a private doctor assigned by Mother to check your health condition regularly," he replied, sounding relaxed and flat, as is generally the attitude of a medical staff when dealing with patients. "How are you, sir?"

I sneered. "As you see this, what do you think?" I turned around asking.

"Uummhhh, from your response, it looks like you're fine sir" she retorted annoyingly. "Oh, yes... this is our second meeting. You can start calling me Doctor."

"Second meeting?" I thought in wonder. When did you first meet this man? Not knowing him at all.

Answered the figure who called himself the Doctor, "Yes, sir. This is our second meeting. The first time, you were unconscious. But I can handle everything well and now... physically, you look fitter."

fitter? What kind of doctor is this? Can a person's health only be seen from the physical? Inwardly, I've been wondering. Trying to understand what's really going on.

You have known Gayatri for a long time? I asked trying to dig.

The doctor's figure answered while taking out medical tools from his bag. "Sorry, I have no right to answer questions like that, sir. Because I have limited authority here, except to talk about your health." He began to open the slit on the chest, then put on a stethoscope. "Hhmmm, you are so type of Mrs. Gayatri…."

That type of girl? Ah, did I hear right? It was obvious that the person who claimed to be a doctor said that just now.

"What do you mean?" I asked surprised and immediately made the figure look clumsy. "From what you said just now, it means you already know Gayatri well, right?"

He unhooked the stethoscopes from his ears. Rotate the body with breath looks panting and hands shaking.

"Your health condition is good, sir," said the doctor without answering my question earlier. "But to help you rest comfortably tonight, I will give you some medicine." Then turned around with the syringe in hand.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Instantly frightened when he saw that one scary thing. "D-don't you do that to me!"

"Calm down, sir? Just a moment," he said, still insisting. Pressing my shoulder so hard that the movement and shaking of this body is restrained.

"Aahhhh!" I sighed in pain as the needle began to dig into the flesh of this arm. A little sore and sore like being bitten by an adult ant.

Then after injecting the medicinal liquid into this body, for a moment the doctor looked at me. The other hand that was used to press the shoulder earlier, shifted slightly towards the chest that was still open. Then stroke gently just above this small nipple protrusion.

Honestly, I was confused. Was it one of the treatment methods? Maybe so that the injection fluid quickly flows to the heart or something. To be sure, a few moments later, the eye pressure was getting heavier. Drowsy and want to fall asleep soon.


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