Chapter 1

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Dewana Dwipayana
Part 1

Ah, I have such a headache. As if there is a heavy burden that fills and presses firmly on the whole shell. For a moment I hissed softly as I winced, then tried to slowly open these eyes. Blurry. That's the first thing that looks. The view is refracted and it is difficult to clarify the point of focus. Until finally, little by little, a white ceiling stretched across the face.

'Where am I?' That's the first question that came to mind. Not yet able to move the head left or right, because of the feeling of dizziness. Except getting used to the sight of colliding with the white expanse up there. 'This looks like a room….' I thought then as I rolled my eyes to peek at the situation. Bright enough from a large round bulb embedded in the recess of the interior. 'But… ah, what is this?'

I tried to lift both legs and arms. Difficult. Like being shackled by a rope that binds tightly so that it is parallel to the position of the body that is stretched out lengthwise.

'I'm tied? Why? Who did this?' my calves questioned himself. It's really hard to move. It's not even just the legs and arms, the stomach and chest are equally tightly coiled, embedded so that they merge with the surface under the back. Mattress? Definitely. It is like a mat wrapped in hot, coarse mota cloth. From the position I was peeking down from, I was most likely on a bed or small bed that could only fit one body.

'Damn it!' I bowed between the pulse of dizziness that still haunts every heartbeat. 'Why is it so hard for me to remember? Including the last time I did though.'

Clots! Crack! Crack!

I heard a sound like a key slot being turned. Then followed by the echo of the squeaking of the door knob being pressed and not long after the echo of dry non-greasy hinges screamed deafeningly in the listening room.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

'Who is that?' My heart wonders again. Very well memorized from the sound of tapping per tap the tip of the tapered plinth, rhythmically clashing with the floor surface. Like stomping shoes that are usually used by office-class women.

"Hey, Johan," said someone from the direction of this head. A female voice and it seemed very familiar to me before.

I looked up a little even though I had to be accompanied by the pain earlier. For a few moments he didn't deign to reply, answer, or even say a word, until the figure actually took shape before our eyes.

"Gayatri?" I said that name after seeing clearly who appeared now. "Is this you?" I asked intending to clarify this memory.

The female figure smiled sweetly. He stared at me for a while, until then he said softly, "Thank goodness, you're finally awake now, Johan."

One thing that becomes my question now, why is he here? In this room. Then what did the woman do? Is it Gayatri too, the main character that I am shackled like now?

Where am I now Gayatri? I asked while trying to move my arms and legs. But it's really hard. Even still unable to rise from this lying down. "You did this to me, right? Why? What do you mean—"

"Sssttt..." The woman's slender index finger suddenly landed right on my lips. "Calm down, honey," he said slowly and gently as he tilted his head, closer and almost touching this face. "You're safe here, Johan dear. I'll make sure of that."

Gayatri snorted warmly against my facial skin. His voice was even for a moment able to stop the roar of curiosity that hit from the start.

Why are you doing this to me Gayatri? What do you mean? My voice is softer now. Who knows. Suddenly. Even though he wanted to kick as hard as possible. As well as bursting out a series of swear words, if necessary.

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