Chapter 19 - Dating

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I'm sorry, I only
have emotions for
one person in
my life.


Rosy kissed me

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Rosy kissed me.

What's the number for 911?

Think! I'm having a fucking heart attack!

I didn't realise James had entered the house or that he was saying something.

My attention was on Rosy and her swollen lips under that blanket. That just happened.

Fucking hell. That was my first kiss.


And it was with her. I'm losing my mind. Has she kissed someone else before?


She better not have. I'll find whoever it is and cut their tongue.


I snap my head to my uncle's voice and blink "huh?"  I clear my throat and steal a glance at Rosy who was burying herself in the blanket.

"Am I missing something here?" James had a knowing smirk on his face and I nod a no while hiding my lips in my mouth.

"Mhm mm" he nods with the same smirk on his face.

Rosy peeks her head out "Hi James" she waves shyly at him making sure not to look at me.

"Rosy. What brings you here at this time? Is everything alright?" He walks over to us  as Rosy unwraps herself from the blanket but kept it round her waist.

She points to her bag and I pass it to her. She didn't get the chance to explain earlier. Thank goodness for that.

She took out the recorder and video cam she planted in her room and placed them on her lap.

"We got it" she finally says as I see her eyes start to water.

Something in my stomach churns and I know I won't like this.

I turn to look at James who was focused on Rosy "what happened?" He asked while taking a seat on the couch.

I noticed how her hands were shaking and the way she winced when I held her hair hasn't vanished from my mind either.

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