Chapter 4- Actual Friends

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Family is not defined by genes
it is built and maintained
through love.

Family is not defined by genesit is built and maintainedthrough love

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I hate PE!

Why just why do I have to be here in my first day of school.

Although these PE uniforms are fire, but that's not the whole point.

I love exercising but I just hate PE and I don't even know why. Okay I know why but still.

I had professed my hate for PE the time my sister called me fat in front of everyone a few years ago.

I got called fat the rest of the school year and that's when I started working out. It helped me think less of the incident. It paid off cause now I'm very happy with my body.

My sister's not. Screw her.

I enter the big hall and noticed Felix talking to the green haired boy uhm...Spencer.

I stood a distance away from them and that's when my sister walked in looking like a noodle in her PE uniform but insanely attractive.

Not a lot of people were in here but I noticed the girls were looking at me and then at Judith.

The resemblance was definitely there if not by our faces but by the hair but I still pretended to not know who she is.

I was looking at my sister who already had friends openly talking to them that I didn't notice the person next to me "Hi!"

I jumped a little at that maybe a lot and turned to face his tall figure "Woah. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Spencer stood in front of me with a wide grin on his face.

This will be a really good time for me to say something friendly but I do the one thing I might hit my head for later.

I pulled my hand for a handshake.

Spencer looks at me with raised eyebrows and an amused smirk on his face and took my hand in a light shake "your hand is soft and so tiny"

"Thank you" I say smiling at him and his face turns soft

"Damn you're cute" I flush at that and that's when my hair decides to fall apart again from the top bun and cover my face.

He laughs and I raise my hair with my arm to look at him.

I looked around for my hairband but I couldn't see it.

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