Chapter 5- Impossible Possibility

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I don't believe in love at first sight, but hell did you look good when we first met!


What the fuck does he mean by date?

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What the fuck does he mean by date?

I simply cannot wrap my head around the fact that I'm actually feeling weird at the thought of them going on a date.

She's just a very pretty stupid girl who came out of nowhere. I have absolutely no reason to feel weird or anything about her.

She can go on a date with whoever the fuck she wants. It shouldn't bother me at all.

It's not in my nature to care about anyone from outside. She's an outsider.

But it fucking does!

And I hate it. So much!

"A date?" She asks a little too excitedly and I frown at the possibility of her actually wanting to go on a date with Spencer.

"Yes a shopping date. The three of us" Spencer tells her and she gasp excitedly, a wide grin spreading across her face showing her perfect teeth and flushed face.

Fuck. She looks pretty.

My mind comes back to what the fucker just clarified "excuse me, the what of us?" I finally ask, my mind and heart relieved for some stupid reason.

"The three of us. It'll be fun!" He says and the little shit next to him agrees "indeed! I've never had friends to go on shopping dates before" her expression faltered slightly but the smile never left her face.

How can someone be so happy?

"I'm not going, and we're not friends" I deadpan and I notice her happy expression goes sullen.


I shouldn't feel bad. I've only known her for a day, but I do. Before I can right what I did wrong her face completely changes to a cheerful one.

"That's alright Felix" I think it's the first time I'm hearing her call my name since this morning.

I ignore the fact that I really like the way she says my name.

"I'll just go with Spencer. He's my god brother" she smiles at him.

When the fuck did that even happen?

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