I Will Accept You

Start from the beginning

Jeff: N'Barcode?!

Man worried if he hurt Barcode tries to touch Barcode's arm.

: You weren't hurt?! I'm sorry, I didn't see you... Does it hurt?!...

Barcode grabbing his arm, it was hurting a little but it wasn't serious, Barcode disguising a smile to hide the pain, putting a hand forward and moving his hand.

Barcode: Oh no--No It doesn't hurt... Don't worry ...

The man still worried about him, tries to touch Barcode's arm.

: I think it's hurting ... I better examine you.... I really ....

The man was prevented from touching Barcode.

Jeff grabs his wrist, the man glares at Jeff, Barcode sees Jeff grabbing the man's wrist and looking angry at the man, Barcode tries to speak.


Jeff: what did you do with him?

The man surprised by Jeff's behavior, Barcode scared to see Jeff's look touches the forearm of the hand that is gripping the man's wrist.

Barcode:Pp'jeff, calm down... I'm fine!

Jeff looks sideways at Barcode and then back at the man, still angry. Pond approaches the three along with Talay with a smile.

Pond: Vincent Xu did you make it to my party?! I thought you wouldn't make it... Your works as a dancer, actor and model don't even let you breathe... I'm surprised to see you!.

Vincent smiles when he sees Pond approaching and giving him a hug, in the hug.

Vincent: I didn't know if I could make it either... (The two stop hugging) .... I had an acting scene scheduled for today, but it got cancelled, so I took the opportunity to come to your party...

Pond happy to see him.

Pond: I'm so happy to see you...!

Pond realizing that also there are three people beside the two, the three surprised to see this friendship of the two.

Pond: Oh! I forgot to introduce my friend.. This here is Vincent Xu, he is 28 years old and he is a professional dancer, model and actor.... ( Pond looks at Vincent)... Vincent these are N'Barcode, Khun Talay and Khun Jeff... Khun Jeff is the owner of the studio "Studio On Saturn" is a singer and also an actor...

Vincent surprised to meet someone like Jeff with so many qualities, smiling.

Vincent: Oh! Nice to meet you...( Vincent shakes his hand )... I'm Vincent Xu...

Jeff looks down at Vincent's hands, feeling slightly uneasy but dismissing it for the moment, apologizing.

Jeff: Nice to meet you, I'm Jeff Satur...(Jeff also gives his hand).... I'm sorry for my inappropriate behavior that I just did... I thought that...

Vincent interrupts him smiling.

Vincent: Alright! You don't need to apologize... (Vincent looks at Barcode)... You're N'Barcode right?!...

Barcode surprised that Vincent spoke to him, shy and embarrassed to look at such a handsome man, so mature and so educated.

Barcode: Oh yeah! I... I'm Barcode... Barcode Tinnasit Nice to meet you...!

Vincent smiling at him, Jeff not liking what he's seeing, looks away. Talay seeing Jeff's look smiled and was happy to see that Jeff is changing his facial expressions a little.

Talay: P'Pond...(Pond looks at Talay).... This is the man P' said will make the MV with N'Barcode right?!..

Barcode and Jeff immediately look at Pond and Talay, Barcode surprised.

The Past|JeffBarcodeWhere stories live. Discover now