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Author's note- I just love the gif that I've chosen for the first chapter of this book. The outfit above is what she wears and just imagine what Tae wears>^<

 The outfit above is what she wears and just imagine what Tae wears>^<

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"𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞"

Rayne's point

The snow sticks every day, every week, every month and every year in Alaska, Denali. I lived with my newly made family, with my parents being Carmen and Eleazar.

I still had my sisters thankfully and three years ago I turned my new mate into one of us. His name was Nathan and I found him while trying to feed on a snow leopard. Nathan was attacked by one of my kind but he was still alive.. It reminded me of how I was turned and I suddenly felt the urge to turn him.

He now cares for me and loves me for who I am, dealing with my attitude toward everyone whose not family, showing me affection every time he sees me, it's different having a mate then being alone. It's amazing.

"Love, I missed you." The six-foot-giant cuddled me, pressing his lips in mine passionately.

"You saw me five minutes ago, Nat." I smirked. He whined, "That was too long!"

Nat kisses me again and wraps his arm around my waist before leading me inside the house, Carmen was ecstatic that I found my mate while Eleazar was still trying to warm up to him. I linked my hand with his as we dashed inside the house but stopped once we were met with a dark skinned man with red eyes. I saw him touching Irina's cheek and I felt my instincts kick in, I hissed at him, my mate pulling me behind him.

"Ray, sweetie, calm down!" Carmen pulled her arms out. I hesitated before latching onto Nat's arms. "This is Laurent, he was sent here by Carlisle. He wants to change his ways." I looked from Irina's love struck face to Laurent's nervous but adoring expression toward his new love, Irina.

"Rina has a mate?!" I shrieked and hugged her tightly, Irina patted my back in return as she laughed. "Hi, my name is Rayne, and congratulations on finding your mate in my sister, Rina. Trust me when I say if you break her heart I'll—" Carmen stopped me from finishing my sentence. Nat took ahold of me possessively while staring Laurent down, I glared at him before smiling at the new couple.


A few months go by and we're visited by our cousins, the Cullens.

I greeted them, the pixie seer running to me in a hurry. "Ray, I've missed you so much!" Alice lunged at me in an attempt to hug me. I smile and hug back, "Ali, it's been a bit." I backed off as Jasper or what I call him, J, walked up to me and gave me a side hug. "Missed me?" He laughed, "Never." I rolled my eyes and laughed along.

"What brings you here? You're usually here to prevent a town murder or.." Carmen paused, looking into the eyes of Carlisle and turning to her mate.

"Has Edward found his blood singer?" Tanya asked. Bewildered.

I noticed the tension sharpen as if the word yes had been said. "Oh my.." I shared a knowing look with Nat, he probably a) killed her b) revealed our secret Or c) both and that was the worst choice. "He didn't kill her, he's taking a break from her though.. Isabella found the truth out herself." Carlisle patted his son's shoulder.

"Is this true, Eddy?" I confronted him. My anger was on edge at the moment and at this point, I would rip anyone's head to keep our secret and safety. The silence answered for me and I growled at him, Ali spoke for him. "It wasn't his fault, Ray." Ali stood next to J.

Rosalie spoke, "As much as I'd like to blame him for this, Alice is right. Edward gave her hints and the human picked up quick, she wasn't dumb after all." Eddy growled at Rosa but I death glared at him.

"You have no room to speak, Edward, you're in big trouble." I pointed my finger at him as he hung his head low and darted his gaze to the floor.

Nat kissed my shoulder and backed a few feet whilst still holding me. Bringing me backward as well. "Calm, Ray, calm.." Nat whispered as he pressed his hands on both my shoulders in case I try attacking. "I am calm." I kept a firm stare into Edward's eyes.


The Cullens stayed at our residence and did what we usually did when this happened... Me, Rina, Ali and Rosa were reading magazines, Kate and Tanya chatting about their plans for tomorrow, Our parents conversing about the matter at hand, The boys playing... video games? Emmett brought it over and thought to connect to our big tv we own.

"So, Rina, gonna tell them or should I?" I smirked at her. Rina stopped reading and glared at me, "Don't you dare." Rina lowered the magazine to be able to look me in the eye to see her deadly eyes.

"Come on, Rina, it's not fair not telling them." I caught the attention of both Cullen girls as they listened to our conversation. "What didn't you tell us?" Rosa placed the magazine down, Ali full ears as she also let go of the paper material in her pale hands. "Ray." Rina warned, "Just a peep, I swear. No name." I faced her, Rina sighed before nodding.

"Well, ladies. Rina, over here, found her mate." I felt Rina stiffen as the Cullens girls, or more took this information in.

All I heard were two shrieks as Ali congratulated Rina while Rosa was trying to get a look. "Tell me everything!" Rosa said. I nodded to Rina, since it was her story to tell. "Absolutely not." Rina said, she walked away, slamming the door. I sighed but laughed, "She's gone to him right now, my Rina has grown up."

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