Cold shivers and terror!

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My heart was pounding soo hard when I saaw the people carry out my father. I really hated myself for not being able to do more but I also knew better than anyone else where my own limits were. The way these people looked wasn't like normal people and they were definitelly trained and bulked up. Plus to top that one off, they were quite in numbers which left me definitelly a bit speechless. There was no way I could beat them at all. 

So while using all the wits I had, I decided to lay low and follow them. Of course the moment they got out of the house, they got into a car and threw the hero in the trunk. I felt soo lucky at this moment to have black fur because the moment they closed the damn truck, I jumped in and curled in a small black furr ball at the end of it. It was dark and thankfully they didn't notice me at all.

Me: ...mew...

I tried to nodge the hero who by now was not only strapped down but also tied completly down so he couldn't move. However no matter what I did he wouldn't wake up at all. 


I have to do something!

What can I do?

I am not a vigilante who is doing this kind of work!

There are soo many people!

They also have quite the quirk!

I can't win against them!

All I can do is hope to safe the hero at the right moment.

It was quite a long way but when the car came to a stop, I decided to be right in the front and the moment these guys would open the trunk, I would jump out or so was my plan until I saw who opened the door. The guy did for sure not see me coming. However I also didn't really think about jumping and pouncing as well as scrathing the guy until he threw me away.



They all let it be since they probably saw the cats he already had normally or they just thought a street cat just came in or something. Whatever it was they basically let me be and when I looked around, a cold shiver ran down my spine.

Oh no..

What the fuck do they want here?

This is bad!

Oh please!

I have to do something!

With that in thought, I ran back at the person and was about to attack him if not for the kick he delivered. There was a chance if I would shift back that, the fate of us both would be sealed so I just endured the kick and watched what they were doing with Aizawa.




Guy: Damn rabies infected cat!

Guy2: You should let the wound check out that crazy thing gave ya.

Guy5: Let's just get it over with.

I hated to be thrown away and kicked because it hurt a lot but I just wanted them not to touch Aizawa at all. The reason for that was our surrounding. We were literally parked at a bridge and there was no one around for help. Not only that but I had a feeling they were about to get that hero out of their way and the corpse as well by just throwing him off the bridge.

Now THAT was something I couldn't have. I was certainly not about to stand around and do nothing so I tried my best to attack as a cat but what should a simple maine coon do against 6 people?

Nothing much....

Unfortunately nothing much...




This was how I was forced to watch them drag Aizawa out of the car while one of these people tried his best to fend me off. My heart was beating soo much and I felt the sweat on myself even tho I was a cat at the moment. The cold shivers and the panik that I felt was also out of this world. 

Still I watched with pure horror how they threw the hero off the bridge.


Me: MEW!

Now I was running as a cat with full speed to catch the hero. What was I just thinking? The moment I jumped, I shifted back as a human and tried to get a hold of the hero.

Me: DAD!!!

The words slipped out of my mouth unconsciously while we were both falling down. The fall itself was just a matter of a couple of moments but it felt like hours to me where I tried my best to reach him. Such a small gap, just milimeters away from grabbing him and yet... it felt like miles away for me.

I have to grab him!

I need to make sure to get him free!




You tell me... my cat is a Vigilante?!Where stories live. Discover now