"Jackie, just stay there for a second, okay?" He pleaded with her, and Jackie's face dropped.

"Oh God, is someone hurt? Who? Who Daniel!" She panicked, shoving past him as best she could while pregnant. Lucas snapped his eyes closed, slapping his hand over Harley's exposed ear that wasn't pressed tightly against Lucas' chest, as Jackie's guttural scream ripped through the air. Lucas winced at how primal it was, so full of pure despair and agony.

Daniel carefully draped the sheet over Axel as Jackie knelt by her boyfriend's head, shoulders shaking violently while her hand was clamped over her mouth.

Lucas was powerless at that moment, unable to do anything except continue to dampen Jackie's cries so that Harley wasn't privy to someone else's pain along with his own. The gears were turning in his head, and he was trying, so desperately trying to think like Axel would. He had two people to attend to, but he wasn't sure how he could leave one to soothe the other. Lucas wasn't sure Harley would even let them separate, because his hand was turning white with how hard he was gripping the fabric of Lucas' t-shirt. He really didn't want to leave Harley either.

Daniel stood up awkwardly, wringing his hands together as he looked down at Jackie, unsure of how to help or even begin to make anything better. He suddenly glanced up, meeting Lucas' eyes from across the lawn as an understanding came between them.

And Lucas suddenly knew how Axel always did it.

They took care of each other, like a lone village with strong relationships between its inhabitants. Relationships built on trust and loyalty, the unsaid agreement that if you provide help to someone, there will always be help available whenever your own time of need comes.

No one was getting left behind.

Tentatively, Daniel sank down to his knees next to the sobbing woman, ducking his head as he murmured softly to her.

"Hey, let's get inside and call your friend. You want to do that? What was her name. . . Oh! Dakota, right? Should we call Dakota?" He suggested hopefully.

Jackie sighed shakily, but seemed to agree to Daniel's idea, and a look of relief washed over his face. He met Lucas' eyes again, nodding to him as he helped Jackie stand on trembling legs. Daniel guided her towards the house, a steadying arm around her torso as Jackie's tears created a large damp spot on Daniel's shoulder, and he called out to the couple still sitting on the grass.

"I've got her, focus on Harley. And. . . you need some time too," he smiled, and Lucas voiced his gratitude to Daniel for his willingness to help. Daniel gave him a small salute in return, guiding Jackie back into the house to somewhere quiet.

"Come on, Harls. Let's get up," he suggested, whispering into his boyfriend's ear. Harley didn't give a response, continuing to be absolutely undone in Lucas' arms. Looks like Lucas will have to make some choices for him. "Okay, we're getting up."

With a grunt, Lucas hauled Harley into his arms, struggling slightly as one of his legs had fallen asleep, and carrying a grown man wasn't the easiest thing in the world. His boyfriend was a deadweight in his arms, and Lucas maneuvered them through the back door and into the house, laying Harley on the couch as he re-evaluated what to do. He was hunched over Harley's body, being dragged down by the other man clutching onto him and remaining determined to not let him go anywhere. There were flashing red and blue lights outside, causing the entire kitchen to strobe now that their front door was left wide open and broken, swinging on the hinges gently in the slight breeze. He didn't even hear the sirens as they drove up.

"Shit. . ." Lucas muttered, knowing that any second some first responders would be coming through. He tried not to think about how long it took for them to finally arrive, knowing that could only mean their resources were being spread thin with the number of  people requiring assistance.

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