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"You know what? I'm gonna do it. Because Ilyas got blessed with twenty points for being good at football. So, I'm going to take five points off him to get." Chip smiles at the camera.

"To get what? I didn't hear it." Holly looks at her boyfriend. "I don't even remember." Chip shrugs.

"I'm, Nah, no you know what, I'm not going to. At the end of the day, there's no one in here that I hate there's no one here that I want to take from. So, I'm just going to leave it." Kate shrugs.

"You go, girl!" Holly points to the blonde as she stands up and flips everyone off. "I thought you were going to take it from me." Destini points to herself. "You literally said you thought I was gonna take them from you." Holly scoffs, looking at the girl.

"Shit, I'm locked in lyas five points." Billy leans towards the camera.

"Yes!" Ilyas cheers looking at the boy. "That's so funny you picked each other." Holly nods, pointing between the two. "Wait, wait, everyone, everyone." Max quiets everyone as he pops up on the screen.

"To confirm, what are you going to do?" Sugarlips asks the nineteen-year-old as he sits in the storeroom.

"I'm gonna lose the message." Max looks at the floor looking really sad.

"Aww." Everyone says. "You're so dumb." Billy laughs. "Bil, shush." Holly looks at him. "Ahh, bless." Kate sighs.

"So, I'm gonna say, Max." Rachel nods.

"Max lost ten points." Billy holds up his fingers. "Shit got deep real quick." Holly gasps. "Shh, it's your video." Chip silences her. "Cool." Holly nods.

"Do I want to take someone's points? Yes. Am I going to? No. I don't need to take anyone's points, even though people really grind my gears, I'm not taking any." Holly explains looking at the ceiling of the storeroom.

"You didn't take any either." Chip looks at his girlfriend. "Well that's what it shows, does it not?" The brunette smiles sadly. "Ilyas, it was good doing business with you, mate." Billy smiles, shaking the man's hand. "Guys I can't lie, I felt bad yeah. But, I'm happy that he picked me as well so it's not like." Billy trails off moving his hands around.

"A games a game." Ilyas shrugs. "I thought you were gonna pick me, or Ilyas." Destini looks at Kate. "No, as soon as I went in I was like oh no I felt bad, I was like I'm not going to take it from anyone, everyone deserves it." Kate explains. "Oi who voted for me again?" Max asks.

"Me." Grace raises her hands. "I voted for you." Rachel puts her hand in the air. "And I said no one." Max laughs. "When they asked me if I was gonna take someone's points. I thought everyone was gonna say me." Ilyas smiles.

"I thought they'd say me because you know, I'm at the top." Holly shrugs. "I knew everyone was gonna take points." Kate tells everyone. "But they didn't, Max and I, we left it." Holly looks at her. "Fair." The blonde nods. "You alright?" Holly asks Max, as she sits in between him and Ilyas.

"I'm good." He shrugs sadly. "Hey, we need to get them back." Holly whispers to him. "How?" He looks at her. "Just you and me, no one can know." Holly smirks. "Just tell me what to do and I'm on it." He holds his hand up. "You'll find out later Agent Khadar." Holly gives him a high-five.

"I'm actually quite sad I didn't take anyone's points now." Holly tells Max, as the other housemates are talking. "Same, I wish I did." Max sighs. "Oh well, it is what it is." Holly shrugs. "Yeah, just shows we're loyal." Max pats his chest. "As loyal as they can be." The brunette winks at the nineteen-year-old.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora