17- Fools still have a heart

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What are your thoughts today?

Warning: Swearing

Emma's P.O.V

"Gray, I don't see why this is such a big deal. Or, for the matter, why you care so damn much?" I twisted my wrist out of his grip, but still didn't put on the towel.

"You don't see why this is a big deal!" He looked at me, making sure I was serious, "Clair, you got hurt! This is your health that we're talking about!" Again, I shrugged my shoulders, giving him a deadpanned look.

"Nash knows, and he didn't react like you." I stated, turning away from Gray. I rubbed my hands together, still cold from the swim.

Gray's expression shifted, "That's why he was wary around me, he didn't know if I knew..." Gray trailed off, but returned his focus to me. "What the hell happened? Why didn't you defend yourself? How long has this been going on?"

I was blunt, "I got hurt. I didn't defend myself for someone else, and I don't know." My towel had fallen to the floor, cold like the water. I reached for my bag, only to realize that had also fallen over. 

I groaned, mad at my awful luck. Gray seemed shocked, "Clair, I need an actual-" 

"Achoo! Achoo!" I sneezed, my body shaking from the cold. Gray suddenly seemed to notice my coldness. 

"You're such a hassle, you're gonna catch a cold." He looked me over, "If you haven't already." With a blush, he took off his shirt, and handed it to me. I slipped it over my head, the shirt fell down to my mid thigh. It was warm, and smelled like Gray.

I snickered, "Are you sure I'm allowed to wear one of the Grayson Hawthornes shirts? Won't he get mad that it's all wet?" I said sarcastically, and he barked back a reply.

"First of all, you need it. You're literally shaking. Second, I'm taking care of you, because I don't trust you to take care of yourself. Third, you are explaining everything to me-" He paused, "In detail. Also, I didn't know you were so short." He grabbed my hand, pulling me alongside him.

"I'm 5'7! It's not my fault you Hawthornes are giants!" I shouted, causing him to snicker again. He led me through the halls, and at first, I thought we were going to my room. Then, he took an unexpected turn, and led me through his door.

"Sit." It wasn't a kind gesture, nor a question. More of a demand. I stood in defiance, and he sighed as he went to the bathroom to grab some supplies.

Grayson's P.O.V

I'm going to fucking murder the person who touched her!

I headed to the bathroom, grabbing supplies for wounds. When I returned, I guided her to my bed, where she uncomfortably sat down. She looked everywhere but my eyes.

I sighed, sliding the shirt off of her. I looked her over, seeing her body dressed in white. "Now," I said sternly, forcing her to look me in the eyes, "You are going to tell me who the fuck dared to touch you."

She laughed that adorable laugh of hers, "You mean, "I should tell you who it is you want to murder." I gulped, taken aback.

"I'm worried. You're like Jamie. A risk taker, having no concern for your life. I don't want you to get hurt."

She was blunt, "But you don't like Jamie." This made me laugh. I returned my focus to her.

"Would you like me to undress you? Or would you prefer to do it yourself?" I asked, before realizing what I had said. I blushed, and she turned her head away as well.

"I-I c-can do i-it." She was blushing furiously. 

Why am I such a dumbass?

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