7- The perfect way to ruin the perfect person

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I am so sorry about all the paragraph breaks. I just needed the dramatic effect. Oh, and this chapter gets intense. Sorry :(

As always, thoughts are italicized, unless ""..... y'all know the drill

Warning: Slapping, major tension, adorableness 

Grayson's P.O.V

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Gray..." She said it barely louder than a whisper. I don't even think she was conscious of what she was doing. She tugged on my wrist, and I sat down on the floor beside her bed. 

I don't want to scare her when she wakes up. Yup, that's definitely the reason I don't want to sleep with her. It totally doesn't have anything to do with how badly I screwed up last time.

She tugged my hand again. "Don't leave.... don't leave me... stay" She seemed half conscious, drifting in and out of sleep.

What are my options? One, have her wake up right now, find me on the floor in her bedroom and scare the living lights out of her. Two, get in bed and hope she falls asleep. Wake up before she does, and leave without her knowing a thing. Hopefully....

I choose option two. 

I carefully crawled into the bed, pulling the covers over us. I pulled her close, hoping with all my might that she'd fall asleep.

In the middle of the night....

Emma's P.O.V

It's quite cold in here. 

I slowly opened my eyes. I expected to see the study and all the wonderful books, but instead, I saw the half of my room. 

How'd I get to my room? The last thing I remember is sitting at the old man's desk. 

That's when I heard the gentle sound of breathing. I froze, unsure if a stranger had entered the house. I turned over, only to be met with a puff of blond hair. I was still half asleep and in my haze, I didn't recognize the blondie was Gray. All I knew, was there was an incredibly attractive person in my bed. 

I could just pretend I never woke up. Yeah, definitely. I should just go back to sleep. 

I snuggled closer to the blond.

Isn't it funny that we fit together perfectly? Strange.

I admired his features for a minute or so before finally burying my head in his chest. 

He smells so good, he smells like coffee and brand new paper.

(If y'all have never smelled brand new paper, or a brand new book, you're really missing out. And y'all can change it to something else if you don't like it, but I think this is the perfect combination for Grayson and Em!)

He's the perfect man.

Later into the night....

Grayson's P.O.V

I woke up at an earlier time than usual, only to look down and find Clair. Beautiful, beautiful, Emma Laycie Clair.

She's the perfect woman.

She was curled up into me, with her head resting on my chest. Her long hair was splayed out behind her in perfect waves. She seemed to be clutching on to my shirt, as if trying to be as close as possible. I breathed in her scent.

She smells like Jasmine and Lavender, the perfect scent.

I planned on getting up, but I just couldn't.

How could I waste an opportunity such as this? To stay with the most beautiful woman? I would never pass on it.

So, I may have 'accidentally' fallen back asleep, holding Clair in my arms.

Morning time....

I was awake, yet again. I looked over at the clock to see it was about 8 a.m. Way later than I usually am up. I didn't mind, someone had to watch Em.

Speaking of which, 

she's shaking.

Why is she shaking?

I shook her. 

No response.

"Clair, Clair wake up." 

No response.

And now she was whimpering.

"EM! Please! Wake up!" I was yelling now.

No response.

I did the unthinkable.

I slapped her awake.

She bolted up, shaking and gasping for air.

"Em, Em are you ok?"

She stared into space.

"Em, look at me!"

She turned her head, lifting her hand to her cheek.

"Y- Gray" 

She got up, backing away from me.

"What's wrong? Are you ok? What happened?"

She shook her head.

What did I do?

There was pure terror in her eyes.

She looked down.



Her voice was quite, too quite.

My mouth was wide open, gaping at her.

I reached for her.

She shrunk away.


I want to help.

I don't want to hurt you.

I had so many things I wanted to say. 

Instead, I did something stupid.

"Fine, don't depend on me. Don't expect help from me ever again. You're on your own."

I should stop.

This isn't what I want.

"I hate you."

A Mystery's KnowledgeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora