5- Contradictory

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AN: Thoughts will be italicized (Like this). If the italicized is in quotations (""), then the word being said is being emphasized.

Emma's P.O.V

I had retired to my room to find that nothing had changed. The layout was the same, although the furniture seemed to have collected a lot more dust. I looked on my bedside table to see a book laying open.

Oh, the very reason I left. 

I shut the book and placed it on one of the many shelves lining the room. I would most likely never find it again. I was hoping I'd never find it again. Then I remembered the letter I had received at the reading. I opened it to find Hawthorne handwriting. 

Dear Emma,

You were right, but still wrong.
Understand, but don't compute.
A life, but not yours to live.
Given, but taken the difference.
Everything, but yet nothing is the same.
Graced, but don't want.
Loved, but hated by all.
Although new, but not naive.
Competent, but unknowledgeable.
You know, but don't need.
Provide assistance, but don't lead.

I'm sorry.


I finished reading the letter. It was confusing, although a true Hawthorne would understand.

I'll probably ask Jamie what he thinks of it. Or possibly Gray, although he's the last person I'd want to talk to.

Just as I thought that, someone knocked on my door. It wouldn't be Jamie. 

"You may enter." I called, hoping it was Nash or Xan.

"Hello" He said, pushing the door open further. 

I sighed, "Make yourself at home." I got up from my bed and stuffed the letter back in it's envelope, setting it on my desk. He walked in further, taking a seat at the end of my bed.

"Welcome back, we're glad you're here." He said, hope evident in his voice.

"And you?" I asked, leading him on, "Are you glad I'm back?"

"I- Look Clair, I'm sorry." He started, and I cut him off.

"Gray, I was trying to be helpful. I warned you, and you didn't care. Emily is a bad person-" I rambled, but Gray stopped me.

"Was a bad person." Silence filled the room. I sighed and flopped down onto the nearest chair.

"I'm still sorry. I know it wasn't right of me to do those things, I just- I loved her. I didn't want to believe you." He shook his head and began to walk out of the room.

"Answer this," I whispered, barely audible, "Why do you call me Clair?"

I could feel his smile. "C'est á moi de le savoir, et á vous de le découvrir, ma lumiére."

(((In English: That's for me to know, and for you to find out, my light.) Grayson is speaking French)Also, correct me if I'm wrong but Clair can mean clear, light, or bright, in French).

I was pissed. Gray knows I don't speak other languages. Which is probably why he said it in a different language. I didn't the energy to argue with him, so he just slipped out the door. I needed to talk to him later, so I'd probably ask him about the letter while we talked.

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