14- A will to read and a girl that bleeds

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Warnings: Swearing, fighting

Emma's P.O.V

Where am I?

I had woken up in a random passageway, clearly wasted. Now, I just had to find a way out of this passageway. I stumbled along, following the trail of glass bottles. 

What happened?

I felt nauseous, and ran the rest of the way out of the passage. I ran to my room, throwing up in the toilet. After that, I took a shower. I checked the time.

4:36 A.M.

Great, so now I have to go to school.

I changed into my school's uniform, and wandered the halls. I hated the skirts, so I may have stolen a few pairs of pants. Although, I wasn't currently wearing those pants.

Later that day, at school....

I hate Heights Country Day.

Of course, Avery had friends at Country Day. Thea, and her stupid friends. I didn't want Avery to be friendless, so I didn't tell her about them.

"Em~" Thea called, turning toward me.

I was just trying to enjoy my book.

I was in an abandoned classroom, and somehow Thea had found me.

"Hi Thea. What would you like?" I already knew what she wanted.

"You hurt Emily. I can't believe you would be stupid enough to drive the Hawthornes apart!" She was yelling, as per usual.

"I know Thea, I'm a stupid bitch and a slut for driving them apart." It was the same old conversation. 

I've had enough.

I stood up to leave, and Thea let me pass her. Of course, the door was blocked by her stupid friends.

"I didn't dismiss you." Suddenly, their hands were on me. 

We ended up on the rooftop, me struggling against all of them. I was outnumbered.

"1 to 7 seems a little unfair, don't you think? And on a rooftop too?"

Thea cackled, venom laced in her voice.

And then they pounced.

The first girl- Ava- swung at me. I ducked, tripping her at the same time. 

The group became  enraged, all rushing at me at once.

Why does this feel like them?

They're the same as my parents.

When they decided they'd had enough of me, they left the rooftop. No one ever came up here, so I knew no one would likely see me in this state.

I waited till everyone else went home, before sneaking through the school. I made my way back to the house, having an uber take me somewhere close by. Afterwards, I snuck into the house and into my room. 

Fortunately, I already had gauze in my room, as Thea had always hated me. I wrapped all of my bruises with the gauze, making sure it wouldn't be visible to anyone else.

I need an adventure.

So, I went looking for Jamie. Or Xander.

When I found Jamie, he was in the library with Aves. 

Just like the other day. When I discovered my life was a lie.

"You're still looking for that book?" I called, announcing my presence.

"Yeah" I didn't realize Grayson was in here, he was searching the bookshelves by the doorway.

"I can help, I've got nothing better to do." Grayson eyed me, clearing knowing I didn't get any sleep. No one protested, so I searched opposite of Grayson, on the opposite side of the doorway.

I had just finished the first bookshelf when Avery called out to everyone.

"Guys, I found it!" Avery pulled out red acetate, asking Jamie what is was for. 

"Is the text in red?" Gray asked, leaning against a bookshelf.

"No, but there is some circled words." Avery continues, "Where there is a there is a way."

"Will" I blurted, not caring at all. I decided not to look at Hawthornes clues, so I was just as lost as they were. I did know about Toby and me, although I don't know why Hawthorne disinherited his grandchildren.

"Where there is a will, there is a way." Grayson said, piecing together the puzzle. 

Aves spoke next, "Does your grandfather have a red will?" Jamie gave a shrug, and Avery ended up calling Alisa. She announced that she would go read the red will, and with that, she and Jamie left.

That means Gray and I were alone.


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